Últimos anúncios

Lab registrations are running

20 setembro 2017, 18:13 José António Da Cruz Pinto Gaspar

Dear all Industrial Automation students,

Lab registrations at Fenix are running from today, 20th September, 6pm, till 22nd September, also 6pm.

After this period of online registrations, there will some days more to solve cases which could not be solved online.

Wishing a good semester in Industrial Automation,
J. Gaspar

15min delay to the begin of lab registrations

19 setembro 2017, 18:04

[API] Beginning of Classes & Alternative Site

14 setembro 2017, 09:09

Light news to browse on IoT, Industry 4.0, and PLCs

6 setembro 2017, 10:21

Corpo Docente

José António Da Cruz Pinto Gaspar

