
Final Case - update information

2 dezembro 2015, 15:46 José Borbinha

The final case is an individual case the students have to analyze in the end of the semester, and for which the overall course subjects must be considered (differently of the a0 weekly cases, which analysis must take in consideration the subjects of only a specific week classes and book chapter).
Taking in consideration the difficulties of several students with the initially planned period for this task (as discussed in the last class...) we decided to give the students for this assignment not a rigid 3 hours block, but the full last week of the semester, as for the weekly cases.
In that sense:
- The case description text will be published until the Monday, 14/12.
- The template with the questions also sill be published in the same moment
- Fenix will be open for upload of the analysis until the to 14:59 of the Saturday, 19/12.
Please also take in consideration that:
- The "model" of this analysis will be similar to the weekly cases, but the case will be more extent (meaning, either a bigger textual description and the need for the students to search for more information in the Web...); therefore, please save at least 1/2 a working day for it!!!
- The delivery will be INDIVIDUAL; we'll not control if the students discuss it in groups or not (eventually, we even would motivate for that...) BUT each delivered document will be carefully review not only concerning its correctness but also its originality (meaning that contents identified as objectively a "collective intellectual result" will have its "royalties = grade" also divided among that "collective"...)


13 setembro 2015, 12:50 Miguel Mira da Silva

Join the FSI Facebook group!!!

13 setembro 2015, 10:49 José Borbinha

Please join the FSI Facebook group:

This is going to be the main tool for communication. It is subscribed by the faculty and MUST BE also subscribed by all the students (students are motivated to use it PROACTIVELY for any relevant purpose...).

YES, this is the site of the course ## FUNDAMENTOS DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO ##

30 julho 2015, 13:36 José Borbinha


  • "Arquitetura Organizacional dos Sistemas de Informação (AOSI)" is the name the course had until 2014/2015. "Fundamentos de Sistemas de Informação (FSI)" is the new name the course will have from 2015/2016 on... Therefore, when FENIX still shows "AOSI", also read "FSI"
  • FSI/AOSI will be a "tutorial course", meaning that only the classes tagged as "Teórica" will exist! There will be no "Laboratorial" classes; you can clear these from your schedule ;-)