
LAB11: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) - Google Cloud

20 dezembro 2019, 11:00 Rui António Dos Santos Cruz

The objective of the experiments in this Lab assignment series is to continue learn- ing about the deployment of Cloud-based Infrastructure, but now on a Public Cloud, the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), using as Automation Engines Terraform, an or- chestration tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructures, together with the Ansible Configuration Management tool for configuring the compute instances of the infrastructure. Both are outstanding products used in the “DevOps” world for creating Infrastructure as Code that can be used to deploy repeatable environments that meet a vast range of complexity requirements.

Student presentations

20 dezembro 2019, 08:00 José Carlos Martins Delgado

Student presentations

IT Management and Administration

18 dezembro 2019, 18:00 Rui António Dos Santos Cruz

  • Traditional Network Management: The ISO perspective
  • Facility Infrastructure and Management
  • IT Service Management
  • Considerations for the Future

LAB11: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) - Google Cloud

18 dezembro 2019, 11:30 Rui António Dos Santos Cruz

The objective of the experiments in this Lab assignment series is to continue learn- ing about the deployment of Cloud-based Infrastructure, but now on a Public Cloud, the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), using as Automation Engines Terraform, an or- chestration tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructures, together with the Ansible Configuration Management tool for configuring the compute instances of the infrastructure. Both are outstanding products used in the “DevOps” world for creating Infrastructure as Code that can be used to deploy repeatable environments that meet a vast range of complexity requirements.

LAB11: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) - Google Cloud

18 dezembro 2019, 10:00 Rui António Dos Santos Cruz

The objective of the experiments in this Lab assignment series is to continue learn- ing about the deployment of Cloud-based Infrastructure, but now on a Public Cloud, the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), using as Automation Engines Terraform, an or- chestration tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructures, together with the Ansible Configuration Management tool for configuring the compute instances of the infrastructure. Both are outstanding products used in the “DevOps” world for creating Infrastructure as Code that can be used to deploy repeatable environments that meet a vast range of complexity requirements.