
The min-cut problem

20 março 2018, 11:00 Alexandre Francisco

Las Vegas and Monte Carlo algorithms, properties and examples (MR 1.2). The min-cut problem and the Karger-Stein algorithm: its complexity, success probability and the use of boosting to improve the success probability (MR 10.2).

Lab 03

15 março 2018, 11:00 Luís Manuel Silveira Russo

Project support. PQ and Prim's algorithm implementation.

Structures for Disjoint Set

14 março 2018, 11:00 Luís Manuel Silveira Russo

Data structures for disjoint set, supporting union and find. Using linked lists and a forest of trees, Cap 21 CLRS.

Lab 03

13 março 2018, 12:30 Alexandre Francisco

Project support. PQ and Prim's algorithm implementation.

Expected linear time MST algorithm

13 março 2018, 11:00 Alexandre Francisco

Boruvka's algorithm: analysis and implementation (MR 10.3).  Expected linear time MST algorithm: main results and analysis (MR 10.3).