
Probabilistic method and a 3/4-approx randomized algorithm for MAX-SAT

30 maio 2018, 11:00 Alexandre Francisco

MAX-SAT case study: from using probabilistic method to determining a 3/4-approximation randomized algorithm. [MR 5.2]

Lab 12

29 maio 2018, 12:30 Alexandre Francisco

Exercises about string matching, suffix trees and suffix arrays. Exercise on the probabilistic method and its application on the max-cut problem.

Probabilistic method and randomized algorithms

29 maio 2018, 11:00 Alexandre Francisco

Probabilistic method, introduction, motivation and limitations. Probabilistic method and randomized algorithms. Probabilistic method and the MAX-SAT problem. Approximation algorithms and performance ratios. [MR 5.1 and 5.2]

Lab 11

24 maio 2018, 11:00 Luís Manuel Silveira Russo

Exercises 5.21 and 5.22 [MU05].

Fully polynomial randomized approximation schemes

23 maio 2018, 11:00 Luís Manuel Silveira Russo

The Monte Carlo method for counting, pi and assignments of DNF formulas, Cap 10 [MU05].