
Agent Communication and Cooperation

5 abril 2019, 12:30 Rui Filipe Fernandes Prada

Speech Act Theory. KQML and KIF. Ontologies. FIPA-ACL.
Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving. The contract net protocol. 

Some future directions on ACL and mixed-initiative networks.

L6: Negotiating agents

5 abril 2019, 11:00 Anna Couto

Implementing agents able to coordinate activity using principles of social welfare, auctions and game theory. 

L6: Negotiating agents

5 abril 2019, 09:30 Anna Couto

Implementing agents able to coordinate activity using principles of social welfare, auctions and game theory. 

Auctions and Voting

4 abril 2019, 12:30 Rui Filipe Fernandes Prada

Auctions as mechanisms. Parameters of Auctions. English, Dutch, First-price sealed-bid open-cry and Vickrey auctions. Lies and Collusion. Examples of Auctions. 
Social welfare and social choice. Voting procedures. Simple majority voting. Condorcet’s paradox. Sequential majority elections. The Borda count. Arrow’s theorem. Voting Manipulation. Gibbard Satterthwaite theorem.

L6: Negotiating agents

4 abril 2019, 09:30 Rui Manuel Ramos Teixeira da Silva

Implementing agents able to coordinate activity using principles of social welfare, auctions and game theory.