
Building Dynamic simulation uncertainty evaluation based on sensitivity analysis EVALUATED

Building dynamic simulation are used to estimate the energy performance of buildings and to size some of the equipment that will be used. It is a valuable tool to help designing sustainable buildings, by showing the impact of different solutions on the building's behavior in both new buildings and retrofit projects. However, models are by definition approximate and represent a simplification of the real physical world. Sources of uncertainty abound in building simulation and must be taken into account into the results of the simulations. These sources have been identified and classified in three categories: the simplification of the model, the input parameters based on assumptions and standards values and the physical processes used by the software. This work will study the impact of the input parameters in the results of the simulation. Considering the uncertainty factors aims at improving designer confidence in the simulations. Sensitivity analysis plays an important role in the understanding of complex models. It helps to identify the influence of input parameters in relation to the outputs. For building energy models, combining sensitivity analysis and simulations tools helps to rank the input parameters (or family of parameters) and then to select the most appropriate to be considered. This study aims to analyze and illustrate the potential usefulness of improving the accuracy of the input parameters in order to reduce the models uncertainty.
Dynamic Simulation, Sensitivity Analysisn Calibration, Uncertainty Optimization Scheme

novembro 22, 2017, 15:0


Obra sujeita a Direitos de Autor



Carlos Augusto Santos Silva

Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica (DEM)

Professor Auxiliar


Matthieu Caille

Synergy Efficiency Solutions
