Sistema Solar Fotovoltaico On-Grid para uma Base Petrolífera em Angola DRAFT
Author: Fábio Johansen Velosa da Costa António (ist1108090)
Coordenação: Ricardo Alexandre Marques Lameirinhas (ist425477) João Filipe Pereira Fernandes (ist158045)
Modelação e avaliação de novos modelos de negócio em sistemas de energia DRAFT
Author: Eduardo Manuel Severiano Pacheco de Mendonça (ist196678)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361)
Assessing the Environmental Impact of End-of-Life Electric Mobility Products DRAFT
Author: Ana Patrícia Abreu Lopes (ist196507)
Coordenação: Joana Correia de Oliveira de Portugal Pereira (ist150165) Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313)
Photovoltaic Systems Along Highways in Portugal DRAFT
Author: António Pereira Janeiro Lobo Vilela (ist196357)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis for Weco’s Wave Energy Converter DRAFT
Author: Hoda Pourgholami Markieh (ist1113360)
Coordenação: Juan Carlos Chong Portillo (ist177469)
Techno-economic analysis of a battery electric vehicle charger with the integration of decentralized production, storage, and utilization of hydrogen DRAFT
Author: Cátia Beatriz da Silva Ribeiro (ist1110962)
Coordenação: Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
Valorisation of tars from biomass gasification DRAFT
Author: Aleix Roch i Rosales (ist1114989)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Role of Biogas and Biomethane in Sustainable Energy DRAFT
Author: Ana Rita Monteiro Correia (ist196575)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
The Impact of Green Hydrogen Integration on Electricity and Fuel Prices in the Iberian Peninsula: Balancing Policy, Economics, and Geopolitical Influence DRAFT
Author: Pedro Nuno De Mora Marques Agria Pelote (ist193538)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Geospatial Analysis for Optimal Green Hydrogen Production Sites in Colombia: Evaluating Renewable Sources, Infrastructure, and Environmental Constraints DRAFT
Author: Julián Andrés Gómez Mayorga (ist1104713)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
FSI Analysis of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines for Urban Energy Production APPROVED
Author: Daniel Félix Román Torres (ist1109190)
Coordenação: Juan Carlos Chong Portillo (ist177469)
Design Optimization Framework for Moorings Systems of Wave Energy Converters (WECs) DRAFT
Author: Sebastián Diego Bojalil (ist1109193)
Coordenação: João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176) André Filipe Loureiro Governo (ist181158)
Sensitivity analysis of offshore wind turbine pile foundations, investigating the effects of fatigue limit on cost APPROVED
Author: Brian Paolo Stephen Glover (ist1109186)
Coordenação: Juan Carlos Chong Portillo (ist177469)
Real-Time Control of a Battery Dispatch: A Case Study at KTH Live-In Lab EVALUATED
Author: Daniela Tepordei (ist1102158)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Digital twins for the low voltage grids in Latin America: Applicability and go-to-market strategy EVALUATED
Author: Juan Felipe Diaz Gonzalez (ist1105653)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Energy Justice in Smart Energy Communities APPROVED
Author: Mónica Inês Anjo Teixeira (ist189773)
Coordenação: Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408)
Thermal performance modelling and simulation of existing buildings to support their energy refurbishment EVALUATED
Author: Pedro da Silva Vilas (ist186361)
Coordenação: José Manuel Da Silva Chaves Ribeiro Pereira (ist14442)
Monitoring of energy consumption in residential buildings EVALUATED
Author: Paula Adriana Portugal Branco (ist191044)
Coordenação: Maria da Glória De Almeida Gomes (ist14175)
Modelo transiente para recetores externos tubulares de sais fundidos para centrais solares de torre EVALUATED
Author: Jéssica Maria Moreira Lima (ist179748)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Optimizing Energy Communities EVALUATED
Author: Nuno Filipe de Sousa e Rego (ist189946)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Análise tecno-económica da criação de uma comunidade de energia Tecnico DRAFT
Author: Francisco Maria Dantas da Gama Lobo Xavier (ist425551)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Addressing Load Shedding in South Africa through Strategic Deployment of Renewable Energy Projects: Evaluating Location Options and Economic Feasibility DRAFT
Author: Ginevra Vittoria (ist1109188)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Aerodynamic Effects of Offshore Wind Farm Clustering on Farm Performance: A Case Study on the Future Offshore Floating Wind Farms of Portugal APPROVED
Author: Nicholas Robert Zachman (ist1109191)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719) Luís Rego da Cunha de Eça (ist12278)
Multi-objective Optimization of Energy Communities APPROVED
Author: Maria Lucia Bellone (ist1105689)
Coordenação: Diana Pereira Neves (ist400029)
Study of implementation of solar panels in public buildings in Lisbon EVALUATED
Author: Francesc Fuster Ramis (ist1111297)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Hydrogen and pumped energy storage impact in hybrid systems for small communities: Marruge case study APPROVED
Author: Jose Ernesto Quintos Fuentes (ist1105612)
Coordenação: Alban Kuriqi (ist427002) Helena Margarida Machado da Silva Ramos (ist12110)
Assessing Flexibility Solutions for a Renewable-Powered Future: A Case Study of the 2030 Portuguese Power System APPROVED
Author: Margarida Amorim Mariano (ist196057)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Design and Implementation of Novel Aluminium-Backed BIPV Facade Modules: A Manufacturing and Electrical Optimization Study APPROVED
Author: Sophia Regina Jahreis (ist1105389)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Estudo técnico-financeiro para seleção de separadores para um eletrolisador alcalino EVALUATED
Author: Melanie Celine Barata dos Santos (ist1105269)
Coordenação: Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
North Sea gold mine for “Green Hydrogen” with “Green electricity” APPROVED
Author: Pradnyesh Bajarang Mane (ist1109209)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Electricity supply in isolated areas using PV technology: a case study in Angola DRAFT
Author: António Samora Bernardo Calonga (ist1104091)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Evaluating battery and PV deployment at neighborhood level: operative and embodied emissions analysis APPROVED
Author: Ana Margarida Azinheira de Sousa (ist1105827)
Coordenação: Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313) Ricardo Manuel Anacleto Gomes (ist179832)
Smart Readiness Indicator Assessment in Portuguese Buildings EVALUATED
Author: Tiago Miguel Antunes Franco (ist196333)
Coordenação: Maria da Glória De Almeida Gomes (ist14175)
Mapping the historical energy use of coal (1800-2018) APPROVED
Author: Nigazh Ayyakkannu Indirani (ist1109224)
Coordenação: Tania Alexandra Dos Santos Costa e Sousa (ist14067)
Author: Palash Gupta (ist1109202)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Life Cycle Assessment of the TidalKite APPROVED
Author: Marcela Studart Feilhaber rosemberg (ist1105497)
Coordenação: Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361)
The effects of hydrogen addition in flame-wall interaction with high-temperature ceramic materials APPROVED
Author: Filipe Sundfeld Veloso (ist192303)
Coordenação: Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408) Sandra Isabel Godinho Dias (ist427130)
Characterization of the Long-Term Stability of an Asymmetric Prototype of MnO2 Supercapacitor EVALUATED
Author: Arcílio Bauleth dos Santos Semente (ist1105732)
Coordenação: Rui Miguel da Silva Sampaio (ist429174)
Life cycle assessment of hydrogen production by PEM electrolyzer technology based on solar and wind energy sources in Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Francisco Leão Duque Simões (ist196379)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) Wagd Ajeeb (ist428791)
Technical and economic evaluation of the energy performance of the IST Tagus Parque Campus APPROVED
Author: João Noronha Leal Pratas Guerreiro (ist196407)
Coordenação: Joana Serra da Luz Mendonça (ist45229) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Characterization of Organic Electrolytes for Redox Flow Batteries EVALUATED
Author: Robert William Scholem (ist1109195)
Coordenação: Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
A Methodology for Optimizing Design and Operation of CSP Plants Participating in Balancing Markets in Spain: Benchmarking against a PV-BESS plant EVALUATED
Author: Ana Sánchez Sanz (ist1109203)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Modeling and Experimental evaluation of syngas production from residual biomass EVALUATED
Author: Berta Oriol Ybern (ist1111319)
Coordenação: Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
Considering a LCA perspective on energy communities modelling EVALUATED
Author: Sebastião Vaz Pinto Líbano Monteiro (ist196322)
Coordenação: Diana Pereira Neves (ist400029) Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361)
University Energy Communities under the Portuguese legal framework: the case study of IST EVALUATED
Author: Emilio Alaiz Miñon (ist1105749)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Does Hydropower Truly Reduce CO2 Emissions on a Global Scale? DRAFT
Author: Wenjin Wu (ist1109199)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144) Jorge De Saldanha Gonçalves Matos (ist12418)
Design and Testing of a Flow Frame for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery APPROVED
Author: Chia-Hung Lin (ist1109187)
Coordenação: Miguel Ângelo Joaquim Rodrigues (ist31579) Alda Maria Pereira Simões (ist12144)
Enhanced Preventive Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms: Scheduling through Long-Term Hindcast Data Analysis EVALUATED
Author: Paul Henri Claude Philippe Dupin (ist1109185)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
Evaluating Techno-Economic Feasibility of Green Hydrogen Production Integrated with a Wave Energy Converter Device APPROVED
Author: Sagar Nileshkumar Kansara (ist1109222)
Coordenação: Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
3D printed supercapacitor electrodes for high power energy storage DRAFT
Author: Arda Eren Poyraz (ist1109197)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Development of a Scenarios Generation Tool for Social Energy Communities EVALUATED
Author: Timon Maximilian Sieme (ist1105813)
Coordenação: Amâncio Lucas de Sousa Pereira (ist428524) Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Potencial Geotérmico de Angola: caracterização dos recursos para uma gestão sustentável na transição energética EVALUATED
Author: Marinela Jandira Dias da Silva Adolfo (ist1104701)
Coordenação: António Manuel da Nave Quintino (ist126563) José Manuel Vaz Velho Barbosa Marques (ist12854)
Optimal Management of Batteries considering different technologies DRAFT
Author: Diogo Alexandre Bernardino Medroa (ist425889)
Coordenação: Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Techno-Economic Analysis of Biogas Upgrading, and Power-to-Biomethane Production APPROVED
Author: Pedro Mendes Martins (ist192947)
Coordenação: Henrique Aníbal Santos de Matos (ist12553)
Hydrogen Distribution Networks: Optimal Refuelling Station Placement in Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Catarina Bernardo Madeira Rodrigues (ist1105798)
Coordenação: Ricardo Sousa Machado de Assunção (ist429736) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Análise técnico-económica da integração da Produção de Biogás com a síntese de metano, a partir de CO2 capturado e hidrogénio verde DRAFT
Author: Pedro Mendes Martins (ist192947)
Coordenação: Henrique Aníbal Santos de Matos (ist12553)
The Search for a Global Unified Carbon Pricing Mechanism A Comparative Analysis of Global Sectoral and Regional Initiatives for Maritime Decarbonization through the Case Study of the IMO APPROVED
Author: Alessandro Chiaves (ist1109196)
Coordenação: Carlos Maria Ubach Chaves e David Calder (ist422546)
Calculation Tool for Estimating Scope 1, 2 and 3 Life Cycle Emissions for Solar Power Plants APPROVED
Author: Pushkar Sushil Raut (ist1109223)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Deep Tech Renewable Energy Innovations - Assessing Their Role and Impact using Readiness Map CONFIRMED
Author: Dineshbhalaji Mahesh (ist1109219)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Long-Term Electricity Demand Forecasting and Behind the Meters battery model: comparison of two European countries APPROVED
Author: Loris Albertone (ist1107081)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Financing instruments for renewable energy: The case of electricity markets with high renewable penetration DRAFT
Author: Miguel Borga Gaspar (ist1105797)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
"Balancing Profitability and Sustainability: Electrolysis Strategies in the evolving European Hydrogen Market - A Multi-Integer Linear Programming Approach applied to a Case Study in Germany" APPROVED
Author: Philipp Kristian Eisele (ist1109213)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Pumped Hydropower Storage and Integration of Renewables in Hybrid Energy Solutions Multi-Objective Optimization with GRG Nonlinear and NSGA-II Algorithm EVALUATED
Author: João Soares Tavares Coelho (ist193281)
Coordenação: Helena Margarida Machado da Silva Ramos (ist12110)
E-methanol production from hydrogen and CO2 capture with application in the Portuguese maritime sector: A techno-economic assessment. DRAFT
Author: Filipa Alexandra Na Carrilho (ist197363)
Coordenação: Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408)
Performance Analysis of Dual-Axis Photovoltaic Systems over 5 different latitudes Using Python Models APPROVED
Author: Shafayat Hussain Mahmoud (ist1109192)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375) Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Techno-economic analysis of the use of green hydrogen in the cement industry decarbonization DRAFT
Author: Tomás Fonseca Coelho Miranda Duarte (ist196495)
Coordenação: Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
Evaluation for Bioinspired Interconversion of Small Molecules Through Activation of C-H, O-H, N-H and N-O bonds EVALUATED
Author: Suellen Marinela Pereira Onguené (ist1105317)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da Silva (ist90142) Heinz Gerhard Martin Prechtl (ist428147)
Advancements in Offshore Wind Farm Substation Development DRAFT
Author: Tiago Lourenço Príncipe (ist1105285)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375) Carlos António Pancada Guedes Soares (ist11869)
Energy Communities and Electric Mobility as a Win-Win Solution? EVALUATED
Author: Joana Fernandes Calado Martins (ist192886)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Estudo do impacto de chamas de H2 em superfícies de barro DRAFT
Author: Filipe Sundfeld Veloso (ist192303)
Coordenação: Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408) Sandra Isabel Godinho Dias (ist427130)
A Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity Production from the IJmuiden Offshore Wind Farm EVALUATED
Author: Caleb Erik Svensson (ist1105500)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Using Carbon Capture and Storage Technology to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Power Systems EVALUATED
Author: Lucia Fernanda Perez Garces (ist1105514)
Coordenação: Leonardo Azevedo Guerra Raposo Pereira (ist168809)
Analysis of Load Profile Generation Methods and Their Effect on the Results of Energy Optimization Models EVALUATED
Author: Mohamad Wehbe (ist1105631)
Coordenação: Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Investigation of satellite Data, for flaring emissions reductions in the Oil & Gas industry EVALUATED
Author: Jaime Javier Badia Tejero (ist1105593)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Offshore Wind Energy Development in the Netherlands - A Detailed Analysis of Offshore Wind Tendering in the Netherlands EVALUATED
Author: Alexander Van Ballaer (ist1105654)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Multi-purpose marine infrastructure - The outlook of M4 solutions and a case study of offshore hydrogen production EVALUATED
Author: Guido Enrico Mazza Ramos (ist1105527)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Off-site PPA as a tool to protect against electricity price spikes: developing a framework for risk assessment and mitigation. EVALUATED
Author: Karolina Anna Kapral (ist1105633)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Author: Beatriz Matias Ribeiro (ist192740)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Nuclear power in Portugal’s energy transition EVALUATED
Author: Bernardo Miguel Grilo Marçal (ist175422)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Event detection and classification for disaggregation of energy consumption metering data EVALUATED
Author: Patryk Jan Mickiewicz (ist1101684)
Coordenação: Pedro Manuel Santos de Carvalho (ist13407) Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Thermal management system of LNEG pilot area: numerical analysis and experimental validation EVALUATED
Author: Volodymyr Pobuta (ist187299)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Photovoltaic production forecast at medium voltage distribution networks EVALUATED
Author: Diogo Caneira Mendes (ist190541)
Coordenação: Pedro Manuel Santos de Carvalho (ist13407) Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Advanced Operation and Maintenance Strategies Considering Turbine Interaction : Impact on Wind Farm Economics EVALUATED
Author: António Miguel Rodrigues Lourenço (ist187473)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
A discontinuous Galerkin method for solving the shallow water equations EVALUATED
Author: Daniela Vignali (ist198881)
Coordenação: João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176)
Author: Nawik Zoraina dos Ramos Gamboa Vaz Saraiva (ist198439)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Avaliação de Risco em Projetos de Energia Renovável DRAFT
Author: Guilherme Damião Martins Ferreira (ist1102349)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Modelling and Evaluation of the motive and hydrodynamic performance of Cargo Vessels with green hydrogen and synthetic fuels EVALUATED
Author: Gaurav Soni (ist1105565)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) Lúcia Maria Pinto Moreira Leite Martins (ist45847)
Techno-economic and hydrodynamic analysis of a novel hybrid wind-wave floating platform concept EVALUATED
Author: Mariana Beirão Valente Alves Rodrigues (ist193665)
Coordenação: Juan Carlos Chong Portillo (ist177469)
Technical and techno-economic analysis of Floating Photovoltaics on Pumped-Storage Hydropower dams EVALUATED
Author: Dimitrios Rizos (ist1105660)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Techno-Economic Analysis of Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting of Datacenter Waste Heat EVALUATED
Author: Carlos Ivan Rojas Lopez (ist1101741)
Coordenação: Vânia Cristina Henriques Silvério (ist32734)
Impact of climate change on hydropower plant’s role in the Iberian electricity market EVALUATED
Author: Diogo Henrique Esteves Couceiro (ist189881)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375) Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Economic feasibility of underground pumped hydro storage systems in the Iberian Peninsula EVALUATED
Author: Francisco Reis Pinto (ist190544)
Coordenação: Helena Margarida Machado da Silva Ramos (ist12110) Maria Teresa Condesso de Melo (ist31473)
Microgrids - Impact on the development of rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa EVALUATED
Author: Rafael José Gaudêncio Sardinha (ist1102090)
Coordenação: Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Solutions for the treatment of undifferentiated fraction of municipal solid waste in Portugal: a life cycle perspective EVALUATED
Author: Maria Monica Rodriguez Beltran (ist1101240)
Coordenação: Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
Techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment (LCA) of biomass gasification for power generation EVALUATED
Author: Gabor Olejarz (ist1105636)
Coordenação: Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
Evaluation of slow pyrolysis of kitchen and garden biowaste to produce biochar – Experimental study EVALUATED
Author: Agnieszka Bezuszko (ist1105635)
Coordenação: Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
Optimising Energy Communities DRAFT
Author: Nuno Filipe de Sousa e Rego (ist189946)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Analysis of LED lighting strategies in vertical urban farming for enhancement of plant productivity and energy consumption EVALUATED
Author: João Miguel Rodelo Pereira (ist1105664)
Coordenação: Maria da Glória De Almeida Gomes (ist14175)
PV-ESS system optimization to maximize self-consumption of PV-generated in KTH live-in lab DRAFT
Author: Daniela Tepordei (ist1102158)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Development of a Digital Building Logbook and Passport for a tailored building renovation roadmap DRAFT
Author: Sebastião Peralta Oliveira (ist192963)
Coordenação: Maria da Glória De Almeida Gomes (ist14175)
Offshore Wind Development in Germany - an analysis of market developments, main player movements, and the framework of the 2023 OFW auctions EVALUATED
Author: Frederik Van Ballaer (ist1105645)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Assessment of Energy and Environmental Impacts of Decarbonization Scenarios in Aviation EVALUATED
Author: Samir Nahuel Narvaez Maloof (ist1105568)
Coordenação: Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Monitoring of energy consumption profile and comfort conditions in residential buildings DRAFT
Author: Paula Adriana Portugal Branco (ist191044)
Coordenação: Maria da Glória De Almeida Gomes (ist14175)
Techno-economic evaluation of sand pumping system powered by a wave energy farm EVALUATED
Author: Tomás Cardoso Ferreira da Silva (ist190366)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375) João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176)
Hydrodynamic interactions in multi-source offshore renewables farms EVALUATED
Author: Helena Magariños Maceira (ist1105490)
Coordenação: Juan Carlos Chong Portillo (ist177469)
A method for the detection of oil leakages on the pitch control system of wind turbines EVALUATED
Author: Jacob Scott Grillo (ist1105570)
Coordenação: Juan Carlos Chong Portillo (ist177469)
Go-to-market strategy for a low-voltage grid monitoring and management software in Latin America DRAFT
Author: Juan Felipe Diaz Gonzalez (ist1105653)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Commercial EV fleet smart charging for cost reduction and renewables integration – A case study in Germany EVALUATED
Author: André Corsetti (ist1105616)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
The viability and energy management for green hydrogen production from industrial wastewater treatment EVALUATED
Author: Sebastian Camilo Puin Moreno (ist1101242)
Coordenação: Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361) Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Using multi-criteria decision analysis to support local energy policymaking-A case study concerning photovoltaics in Rajadell, Spain EVALUATED
Author: ALEX HARILLO ANTOLINEZ (ist1107710)
Coordenação: Miguel Brau Canadas Alves Pereira (ist176052)
Batteries’ end of life: Modelling the ageing phenomena EVALUATED
Author: Clément Bernard Guy Lucien Lesage (ist1105642)
Coordenação: Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
Assessment of the security of energy supply in Portugal in 2035-2040 and analysis of possible alternatives EVALUATED
Author: Miguel Florêncio Bessone Mauritti (ist190147)
Coordenação: Bruno Miguel Soares Gonçalves (ist24515)
Multi-perspective techno-economic comparison of decarbonization scenarios in the maritime transport sector EVALUATED
Author: Catarina Hilário dos Santos (ist189875)
Coordenação: Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Development of Analytical Strategies to Optimize the Use of Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems: An optimization approach EVALUATED
Author: Thomas Florian Pötzl (ist1102125)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Advanced Wind Farm Operation and Maintenance Strategies Considering Turbine Interaction EVALUATED
Author: Chiara Bussolati (ist1105566)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
A multicriteria classification approach for assessing energy security in Europe EVALUATED
Author: Matteo Deketh (ist1102212)
Coordenação: José Rui De Matos Figueira (ist14525)
The impact of technology evolution and the access to fossil-fuels and electricity to land and labour productivity in Europe since 1970 EVALUATED
Author: Joan Lorente Ramos (ist1105132)
Coordenação: Tania Alexandra Dos Santos Costa e Sousa (ist14067) Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos (ist13892)
Thermal performance modelling and simulation of existing buildings to support their energy refurbishment DRAFT
Author: Pedro da Silva Vilas (ist186361)
Coordenação: José Manuel Da Silva Chaves Ribeiro Pereira (ist14442)
Building heat disaggregation with deep learning EVALUATED
Author: Kaarlo Lauri Johannes Forsman (ist1105639)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Design of a Cookbook to Boost Energy Community Deployment Across Europe EVALUATED
Author: Ashtynn Marie Trauth (ist1105590)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Thermal performance modelling and simulation of existing buildings to support their energy refurbishment DRAFT
Author: Pedro da Silva Vilas (ist186361)
Coordenação: José Manuel Da Silva Chaves Ribeiro Pereira (ist14442)
Assessment of the different energy distribution coefficients in a real case energy community EVALUATED
Author: Gonzalo Olaso Orbañanos (ist1105644)
Coordenação: Diana Pereira Neves (ist400029)
A multi-criteria classification approach for assessing energy poverty in the European Union EVALUATED
Author: Madalena Alexandre Lourenço (ist190672)
Coordenação: José Rui De Matos Figueira (ist14525)
Grey-to-Green ammonia as a decarbonisation pathway: market assessment and techno-economic analysis EVALUATED
Author: Pablo Hernandez Martinez (ist1105551)
Coordenação: Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313)
Standardization of BigOxy method for e-fuel like Methanol, Gasoline, and their blends EVALUATED
Author: Sweekruth Mysore Sriram (ist1101487)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Assessing and Identifying High-Impact Potential Climate Tech Start-ups EVALUATED
Author: Emet Shalom Zeitz (ist1101943)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Energy Efficiency Assessment, based on Field Measurements and Computational Simulations. A Swedish Hypermarket’s case study EVALUATED
Author: Beatriz Matias Ferreira Corceiro (ist190645)
Coordenação: Tania Alexandra Dos Santos Costa e Sousa (ist14067)
Analysis and Design of a Hybrid Power Generation System for the Electrification of Health and Education Facilities in Sierra Leone EVALUATED
Author: Isabella Eugenia González González (ist1101983)
Coordenação: José Fernando Alves da Silva (ist11962)
Modelling and Control of PMSG Based Offshore Wind Turbine EVALUATED
Author: Joan Francesc Quetglas Villalonga (ist198187)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Evaluation of hemp potential as a raw material in Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Pedro António Albino Zilhão (ist186360)
Coordenação: Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
Techno-economic evaluation of a thermal-power microgrid in a public building EVALUATED
Author: Maria Teresa Moreira da Cruz Borges de Assunção (ist186889)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Technical and Economic Feasibility of Hydrogen Production Integrated into Waste-to-Energy Plants: the CTRSU case-study EVALUATED
Author: Diansambo Zola Miguel Masembo (ist195488)
Coordenação: Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
Process model of the hydrogen production system integrated with biomass gasification EVALUATED
Author: Natalia Małgorzata Szymuś (ist198179)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Forecasting Electricity Consumption in Industrial Kitchens EVALUATED
Author: Jorge Ruiz Amantegui (ist198183)
Coordenação: Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549) Amâncio Lucas de Sousa Pereira (ist428524)
Circular Economy System to Transform Coffee Waste into Biodiesel EVALUATED
Author: Estefania Moreno Piña (ist198180)
Coordenação: Ana Isabel Cerqueira de Sousa Gouveia Carvalho (ist149893)
Integration of an Energy Storage System to support Cruise Ships Cold Ironing in the Port of Civitavecchia EVALUATED
Author: Giulio Caprara (ist197283)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Biodiesel purification using biochar DRAFT
Author: Nawik Zoraina dos Ramos Gamboa Vaz Saraiva (ist198439)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
The development of Renewable Energy Communities in the Italian context: a methodology for the engagement of the end-users EVALUATED
Author: Marta Cenzato (ist1101825)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Associação de tecnologias de energias renováveis-Caso de estudo de hibridização de pequenos aproveitamentos hidroelétricos em Portugal Continental com parques solares fotovoltaicos EVALUATED
Author: João André Antunes Matos Lopes (ist173053)
Coordenação: Maria Manuela Portela Correia dos Santos Ramos da Silva (ist12494)
Nuclear power in Portugal’s energy transition DRAFT
Author: Bernardo Miguel Grilo Marçal (ist175422)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Development of a numerical model for tidal farm performance assessment DRAFT
Author: Daniela Vignali (ist198881)
Coordenação: João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176)
Assessing wave energy's potential for decarbonizing the steel industry EVALUATED
Author: Carlos Pedro Pavía Palmlöf (ist1101953)
Coordenação: João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176)
Preparation of the concept and model of an energy self- sufficient region based on distributed generation in the Chrzanów district - Poland EVALUATED
Author: Mariusz Wojciech Badura (ist1101759)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Techno-economic analysis for a standalone HVR membrane distillation water purification system using concentrated photovoltaic thermal (CPVT) technology EVALUATED
Author: Zanil Narsing (ist1101945)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
SMED Improvements in the Production of Li-Ion Batteries to Reduce Downtime and Increase Productivity EVALUATED
Author: Svenja Anna Gretel Krimm (ist1101815)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Cogeneration in Residential Applications EVALUATED
Author: Mervyn Muthukumar (ist1101811)
Coordenação: Ricardo Manuel Anacleto Gomes (ist179832) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Numerical simulation of water freezing in low temperature reservoir of a heat pump EVALUATED
Author: Hugo Ksawery Urbańczyk (ist1104060)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
Computational Fluid Dynamics modelling of non-premixed Hydrogen Combustion in O2-H2O mixtures using ANSYS Fluent EVALUATED
Author: Muhammad Azam Hafeez (ist1101818)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
Speed of Innovation Diffusion in Water Electrolysis EVALUATED
Author: Dhakshin Kumar (ist1101727)
Coordenação: Nuno Gonçalo Cordeiro Marques de Almeida (ist14496)
Avaliação do desempenho de células foto-voltaicas com pontos quentes DRAFT
Author: António Schiappa Viegas (ist181221)
Coordenação: Maria Teresa Nunes Padilha de Castro Correia de Barros (ist11073)
Development of a Soiling Detection for Photovoltaic Modules Based on Static Cameras EVALUATED
Author: Maria Macedo Paz Ferreira (ist187486)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Avaliação de desempenho dos países na gestão de energia DRAFT
Author: Henrique De Castro Gil Petrucci (ist187202)
Coordenação: Diogo Filipe da Cunha Ferreira (ist158548) Rui Domingos Ribeiro da Cunha Marques (ist24618)
Numerical simulation of a concentrated solar energy desalination plant DRAFT
Author: Jéssica Maria Moreira Lima (ist179748)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
Wind forecast at medium voltage distribution networks EVALUATED
Author: Herbert Amezquita Ortiz (ist1100758)
Coordenação: Pedro Manuel Santos de Carvalho (ist13407) Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Event detection and classification for disaggregation of energy consumption metering data DRAFT
Author: Patryk Jan Mickiewicz (ist1101684)
Coordenação: Pedro Manuel Santos de Carvalho (ist13407) Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Evaluation of the Energy Recovery of Composted Materials EVALUATED
Author: Novi Dwi Saksiwi (ist198185)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
The design and analysis of a prototype concentrated solar power installation with PV cells EVALUATED
Author: Maciej Jakub Szram (ist1100820)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
Feasibility study of large-scale battery implementation in the United Kingdom EVALUATED
Author: Monica Calleja Luque (ist1101819)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Feasibility of Hydrogen Production EVALUATED
Author: Pedro Gil de Lima Mayer Beltrão (ist182492)
Coordenação: Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408) Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
Hydrogen Acceptance in The Portuguese Transport Sector EVALUATED
Author: Pedro Maria de Lima Mayer Rosado (ist182485)
Coordenação: Catarina Maria da Cunha de Eça Calhau Rolim (ist90306) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Green Hydrogen and Oxygen Developments in Portuguese Economy in the Context of Vehicle Refuelling Stations EVALUATED
Author: Joana Alexandra Costa Faria (ist187458)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Advanced Operation and Maintenance Strategies Considering Turbine Interaction: Impact on Wind Farm Economics DRAFT
Author: António Miguel Rodrigues Lourenço (ist187473)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
Recycling Lithium Batteries, a viable industrial process EVALUATED
Author: Eduardo Enrique Martinez Jorges (ist1101665)
Coordenação: António Manuel da Nave Quintino (ist126563) Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
Improved CaO-based materials for thermochemical energy storage in concentrated solar power applications EVALUATED
Author: David Piqué Prat (ist1104469)
Coordenação: Paula Alexandra Lourenço Teixeira (ist427170) Carla Isabel Costa Pinheiro (ist12547)
- A comparative analysis of funding opportunities and actions towards sustainable transition DRAFT
Author: Melisa Arango Muñoz (ist1101841)
Coordenação: Joana Serra da Luz Mendonça (ist45229)
"Techno-Economic Modelling of Stationary Battery Storage Value Stacking at Distribution Transformers in India" EVALUATED
Author: Sara Benlloch Navarrete (ist1101956)
Coordenação: António Manuel da Nave Quintino (ist126563)
Optimal Sizing of Solar/Wind–to–Hydrogen Systems in a Suitable Site Selection Geospatial Framework: The case of Italy and Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Leonardo Afonso Vidas (ist179684)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Techno-economic Analysis of Energy Communities and Self-Consumption Schemes in Portugal and Italy EVALUATED
Author: Mágui Barreto Lage (ist188180)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Offshore floating wind farms cost reduction assessment. EVALUATED
Author: Jakub Grzegorz Strąg (ist1101734)
Coordenação: Juan Carlos Chong Portillo (ist177469) Luís Manuel De Carvalho Gato (ist11786)
Economical and technical analysis of electrochemical energy storage systems along their value chain: a feasibility study EVALUATED
Author: Julio Feijoo Ugalde (ist1101820)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Avaliação técnica e económica de uma solução integrada de Energia Fotovoltaica (On-Grid) e armazenamento EVALUATED
Author: André Marques Mesquita (ist181737)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Experimental study of a venturi ejector for passive recirculation of hydrogen in PEM fuel cell systems EVALUATED
Author: Pedro Miguel Henriques Pires da Silva Rodrigues (ist176277)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Integration of supercapacitors and redox flow batteries DRAFT
Author: Padma Ravindrane (ist1100819)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
The Use of Zeolites Synthesized from Fly Ash in Adsorption Chiller EVALUATED
Author: Tarikul Hasan (ist197486)
Coordenação: Moisés Luzia Gonçalves Pinto (ist416959)
On the Potential of RES and Storage Devices in the Context of Restaurant Kitchens DRAFT
Author: Jorge Ruiz Amantegui (ist198183)
Coordenação: Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549) Amâncio Lucas de Sousa Pereira (ist428524)
Estimation of Effective Diffusion Coefficients with Nernst-Planck Equations in the Direct Borohydride-Peroxide Fuel Cell EVALUATED
Author: Massimiliano Banini (ist198186)
Coordenação: Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793) Vítor Manuel Geraldes Fernandes (ist13181)
Circular Economy system to transform coffee waste into biodiesel- Estefania Moreno DRAFT
Author: Estefania Moreno Piña (ist198180)
Coordenação: Ana Isabel Cerqueira de Sousa Gouveia Carvalho (ist149893)
Techno-economic analysis of vessel applications for offshore wind farm operation and maintenance EVALUATED
Author: Paula Cristina de Sousa Bastos (ist197186)
Coordenação: Luís Manuel De Carvalho Gato (ist11786)
Numerical investigation of the expansion devices applied in modern vapour compression refrigeration unit considering specific entropy and entropy generation analyses EVALUATED
Author: Rafal Piotr Fingas (ist197478)
Coordenação: José Manuel Da Silva Chaves Ribeiro Pereira (ist14442)
Transition Towards Carbon Free Electricity - Developing CO2 Emission Assessment Software For Corporate Use EVALUATED
Author: Ewa Pazdur (ist197484)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Promoção de Medidas de Eficiência Energética em Dormitórios Académicos EVALUATED
Author: Carlos Miguel Da Rocha Lourenço (ist186283)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) José Manuel Vaz Velho Barbosa Marques (ist12854)
A comparison of modelling approaches for the evaluation of the electrical performance of secondary batteries in battery management systems (BMS) EVALUATED
Author: Mirko D'Adamo (ist194109)
Coordenação: Luísa Margarida Dias Ribeiro de Sousa Martins (ist129111)
Desempenho Energético, Ambiental e Económico para Deslocações Urbanas Multimodais em Diferentes Gamas de Distância EVALUATED
Author: Carolina Sofia Carvalho Ribeiro Belga (ist181794)
Coordenação: Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313) Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura (ist14188)
A multicriteria classification approach for assessing policy interventions to stimulate transition of electric vehicle technology in the European Union EVALUATED
Author: Henrique Humberto de Lemos Martins (ist425562)
Coordenação: José Rui De Matos Figueira (ist14525)
Electrical load, wind speed and power forecasting with feed-forward neural networks EVALUATED
Author: EDUARDO PRAUN MACHADO (ist194246)
Coordenação: Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Feasibility Analysis of a Battery Energy Storage System combined with a Utility-Scale Solar PV Power Plant in the Atacama Desert EVALUATED
Author: Federico Baldasso (ist190886)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Stability analysis and impedance-based representation of VSC EVALUATED
Author: Yeon Joong Kim (ist198189)
Coordenação: Gil Domingos Marques (ist12038)
Assessing the social acceptance of hydrogen for transportation in Portugal: Focus on target population for a potential hydrogen economy DRAFT
Author: Pedro Maria de Lima Mayer Rosado (ist182485)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) Catarina Maria da Cunha de Eça Calhau Rolim (ist90306)
Clean4G: Scale-up of an electrocracking process of liquefied biomass – Hydrogen and Biorefinery application in cement industry DRAFT
Author: Alejandra Melle Sanchez (ist198182)
Coordenação: Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
Green Hydrogen and Oxygen Economy developments in Portugal DRAFT
Author: Francisco Maria Dantas da Gama Lobo Xavier (ist425551)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Quantifying the Potential Logistic Benefits of a Predictive Maintenance Strategy in Offshore Wind Farms EVALUATED
Author: Márcio António Rodrigues Pedroso (ist197047)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
"Simulation of the Zero and Non-zero bids in the 2030 Day Ahead MIBEL Market" EVALUATED
Author: Mahmoud Moustafa EL Sabbahi Saber (ist195494)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
"Hydrogen based solutions to help electrical grid management Application to the Terceira Island case" EVALUATED
Author: Luiz Carlos Santos de Jesus (ist187483)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Green hydrogen and oxygen developments in Portuguese Economy in the context of vehicle refueling stations. DRAFT
Author: Joana Alexandra Costa Faria (ist187458)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Feasibility assessment of hydrogen distribution DRAFT
Author: Pedro Gil de Lima Mayer Beltrão (ist182492)
Coordenação: Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408) Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
First Principles Modelling of Floating Horizontal Axis Turbine Dynamic Modelling DRAFT
Author: Joan Francesc Quetglas Villalonga (ist198187)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719) João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176)
Digital Twin in Water Distribution Networks EVALUATED
Author: Marta Ferrà Mesquida (ist198320)
Coordenação: Helena Margarida Machado da Silva Ramos (ist12110)
"Improvement of the standard Site Calibration for wind turbines: Implementation of Machine Learning techniques for Power Curve Measurement campaigns. " EVALUATED
Author: Irma García Galadí (ist198192)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
"Study of the Photovoltaic Energy Production And Storage Scenarios in Poland and Portugal" EVALUATED
Author: Wiktoria Jadwiga Franiel (ist197483)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Cooperative and interactive Learning to estimate Human Behaviours for Energy Applications EVALUATED
Author: Joana Nunes Nicolau Baptista da Silva (ist425762)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Modeling thermal comfort in residential buildings in Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Marek Utracki (ist197487)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Ricardo Manuel Anacleto Gomes (ist179832)
Optimization of the Electrical and Thermal Microgrids for a nearly Zero-Energy Building located in Lisbon EVALUATED
Author: Karolina Elżbieta Serafin (ist197482)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Aerodynamic Performance Prediction of a Wind Turbine in Steady and Unsteady Conditions Using a Panel Method EVALUATED
Author: Leonardo Buralli (ist195335)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719) João Manuel Ribeiro Costa Baltazar (ist62135)
Flexibility services and investments in distribution networks EVALUATED
Author: João Pedro Barbosa Rodrigues Póvoa (ist193876)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Design of solar cooling system EVALUATED
Author: Michał Jan Rabiej (ist197489)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Definição de Estratégias Para Produção e Consumo de Combustíveis Sustentáveis Para a Aviação em Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Mário João Carvalho de Pinto Balsemão (ist181833)
Coordenação: Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361)
Participation of Prosumer in Local Energy Market based on Preferences EVALUATED
Author: Arun Koomar Nagaraj (ist198178)
Coordenação: Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549) Amâncio Lucas de Sousa Pereira (ist428524)
Introduction of H2 in the Natural Gas Network EVALUATED
Author: TUGAY ANIL TURAN (ist197488)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Wind Farm Modelling : Tocha Farm Case study DRAFT
Author: Novi Dwi Saksiwi (ist198185)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
Net Load Disaggregation and Forecast at Medium Voltage Level EVALUATED
Author: Mateo Toro Cárdenas (ist198184)
Coordenação: Pedro Manuel Santos de Carvalho (ist13407) Luís António Fialho Marcelino Ferreira (ist11697)
Sizing and assessment of an off-grid PV system using a lithium battery bank EVALUATED
Author: Luís Miguel Monteiro Marques Rosmaninho (ist176960)
Coordenação: Sónia Maria Nunes dos Santos Paulo Ferreira Pinto (ist13145)
Thermodynamic analysis of a concentrated solar energy desalination plant EVALUATED
Author: Piotr Przemyslaw Mazur (ist197479)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272) Miguel Abreu de Almeida Mendes (ist148033)
Technological and economical assessment on hydrogen energy conversion systems based in Gas Turbines EVALUATED
Author: Agata Sara Horwacik (ist197485)
Coordenação: Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Methodology for Corporate Sustainability Quantification: a Case Study on a Car Rental Company EVALUATED
Author: Enrico Orani (ist198190)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Engaging without greenwashing: a holistic gamified approach to foster eco-friendly behavior in a renewable energy crowdfunding platform EVALUATED
Author: Guillermo Marchessi Riera (ist198188)
Coordenação: Susana Isabel Carvalho Relvas (ist46455)
The Potential Application of Modified Spruce-based Activated Carbon for Adsorption Chillers EVALUATED
Author: Deogratias Uwizeyimana (ist197490)
Coordenação: Moisés Luzia Gonçalves Pinto (ist416959)
Determinants for the energy, environmental and cost impacts of mobility patterns in the Lisbon Metro Area EVALUATED
Author: Jérémy Diacre (ist192169)
Coordenação: Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313) Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura (ist14188)
Assessing the Possibility of Using a Framo Electrical Generator for Marine Current Tidal Stream Technology EVALUATED
Author: Kirsten Elizabeth Storaker Kelly (ist194786)
Coordenação: João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176)
Biomethane potential laboratory-scale test (BMP) for the determination of biogas production from empty fruit bunches (EFB) derived during palm oil processing via co-digestion with palm oil mill effluent (POME) EVALUATED
Author: Bayron David Alvarez Rodriguez (ist198181)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Wind Effect in Enhancing PV Performance - Analysis of Wind Speed, Direction, and Convective Heat Transfer on Inclined PV Module at Tennant Creek, Australia EVALUATED
Author: Ziky Teguh Farhan (ist198191)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Hybrid power supply system of a selected residential building based on innovative renewable sources EVALUATED
Author: Ogechuku Chibogu (ist197958)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
The Redox Flow battery for energy storage DRAFT
Author: Natalia Małgorzata Szymuś (ist198179)
Coordenação: Alda Maria Pereira Simões (ist12144)
LCOE Numerical Model of a Floating Wave Energy Converter with an internal U-shaped Oscillating Water Column DRAFT
Author: Jeffrey Chukwudi Kikanme (ist191537)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Sérgio Bruno Nogueira Ribeiro e Silva (ist14117)
Power Output Optimisation for Electric Vehicles Smart Charging Hubs EVALUATED
Author: Andrea Bertolini (ist195295)
Coordenação: João Miguel Da Costa Sousa (ist12897)
A New Methodology for Efficiency Scaling of Pumps-as-Turbines (PATs) and Its Application to two South Africa 13kW and 100kW Micro Hydropower Systems EVALUATED
Author: Ricardo Nunes Van Zeller (ist181841)
Coordenação: João Filipe Pereira Fernandes (ist158045) Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging on the Portuguese Electricity Demand Curve EVALUATED
Author: Tiago Themba Ferreira Meintjes (ist181190)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
The Vanadium Redox Flow Battery - Electrochemical Impedance Characterization EVALUATED
Author: Joana Dias Fonseca (ist181252)
Coordenação: Alda Maria Pereira Simões (ist12144) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Analysing the competitiveness of offshore hydrogen-wind production models EVALUATED
Author: Javier Pollos Ezquerra (ist195301)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Promotion of energy efficiency measures in Academy Dormitory DRAFT
Author: Carlos Miguel Da Rocha Lourenço (ist186283)
Coordenação: José Manuel Vaz Velho Barbosa Marques (ist12854) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
New approach to the preparation of zeolite-based catalysts for CO2 methanation EVALUATED
Author: Temiloluwa Ademuwagun (ist195342)
Coordenação: Ana Cristina Gomes Ferreira da Silva Parreira (ist426357) Maria Del Carmen Bacariza Rey (ist175072)
Feasibility Analysis of a Utility-Scale Solar PV Power Plant DRAFT
Author: Federico Baldasso (ist190886)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Analysis of biomethane business models applicable to the Portuguese natural gas grid EVALUATED
Author: David Allen Johnson (ist194372)
Coordenação: Jorge Manuel Figueiredo Coelho de Oliveira (ist426971)
Electrochemical characterization of low and non-platinum catalysts for fuel cell applications in gas diffusion electrode setup EVALUATED
Author: Talal Ashraf (ist194383)
Coordenação: Luísa Margarida Dias Ribeiro de Sousa Martins (ist129111)
Modeling a Circulating Fluidized Bed CaCO3 Calcination Reactor for Thermochemical Energy Storage in a Concentrating Solar Power System EVALUATED
Author: Mayra Del Valle Alvarez Rivero (ist195462)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Technical and Economic Assessment of a 1 MWp Floating Photovoltaic System EVALUATED
Author: Andrzej Jerzy Boduch (ist195466)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Contibuição das energias renováveis para comunidades de baixo carbono EVALUATED
Author: Baltazar Maria Gemperle de Medeiros Frazão Cordeiro (ist175256)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Techno-economic Analysis of the Implementation and Future Expansion of a Photovoltaic-Diesel Hybrid Power System in the Upper Nile University in South Sudan EVALUATED
Author: Miriam Peñarroya Esteve (ist195317)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
European Potential of Solar Technologies for Electricity Generation under Project Drawdown Framework EVALUATED
Author: Luiz Fernando Teixeira da Silveira (ist191662)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Techno-economic analysis and user-centred product strategy development of Home Energy Management Systems EVALUATED
Author: Thomas Kürstgens (ist195345)
Coordenação: Pedro Manuel Santos de Carvalho (ist13407)
Software for techno-economic assessments of gas CHP EVALUATED
Author: Mateusz Zbigniew Proniewicz (ist195309)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Data-driven agent-based modelling of incentives for carbon sequestration The case of sown biodiverse pastures adoption in Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Giacomo Ravaioli (ist195348)
Coordenação: Ricardo Filipe De Melo Teixeira (ist149031) Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos (ist13892)
Effects of climate change on power supply: Long-term analysis for the Portuguese study case EVALUATED
Author: Gabriele Vezzani (ist195343)
Coordenação: Susana Margarida da Silva Vieira (ist45346)
Energy planning in Riga Pathways for a low-carbon energy transformation EVALUATED
Author: Fabio Fava (ist195338)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Influence of oil and gas fuels on the exploitation of boilers EVALUATED
Author: Kacper Kamil Kozioł (ist195319)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Development of the energy demand of drive architectures for different means of transport EVALUATED
Author: Atiquzzaman Khan Ankur (ist195292)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Fatores de emissão multimodal para diferentes distâncias de deslocações urbanas DRAFT
Author: Carolina Sofia Carvalho Ribeiro Belga (ist181794)
Coordenação: Filipe Manuel Mercier Vilaça e Moura (ist14188) Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313)
Strategy for energy storage in Spain for 2050 EVALUATED
Author: Lluís Miquel Ferrer Frau (ist197611)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Hydro energy harvesting in Alviela River weir: technical and economic analyses EVALUATED
Author: Pedro Felipe Gomes de Oliveira (ist188646)
Coordenação: Nuno Miguel da Conceição Martins (ist34120) Dídia Isabel Cameira Covas (ist13917)
Optimisation and overview of pine liquefaction process EVALUATED
Author: Hubert Krzysztof Put (ist194377)
Coordenação: João Carlos Moura Bordado (ist11307) Rui Miguel Galhano dos Santos Lopes (ist34214)
Automatic classification of LCA data EVALUATED
Author: Shanlin Chen (ist194365)
Coordenação: Susana Margarida da Silva Vieira (ist45346)
Technical-economic Studies of Bio-Waste Valorisation for Local Multi-Energy System EVALUATED
Author: Laura Anna Ostrowska (ist194357)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Road lighting efficiency improvement through data processing and automated computation EVALUATED
Author: Jakub Marek Starczewski (ist194396)
Coordenação: Claudia Martins Antunes (ist14046)
Carbon Pricing System in Africa as a solution to climate change: A case study of Nigeria’s Oil and Gas sector EVALUATED
Author: Damilola Femi-Oyewole (ist194441)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Thermal Storage Integration in a Smart Thermal Grid - Ottawa Case Study with ENGIE EVALUATED
Author: Erika Dal Monte (ist195340)
Coordenação: Marta Ramilo Abrantes (ist25032)
Public Policy Frameworks of Li-Ion Battery Energy Storage Systems Applications EVALUATED
Author: Jacopo Mura (ist195314)
Coordenação: Carlos Maria Ubach Chaves e David Calder (ist422546)
Optimized Control Strategies of a HVAC System under Dynamic Pricing using the Building-as-Battery concept EVALUATED
Author: Laura Frassine (ist187957)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Ionic liquids for enhancing alkaline water electrolysis EVALUATED
Author: Szilveszter Gábor Kéki (ist192321)
Coordenação: Biljana Sljukic Paunkovic (ist90652) Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
Flexibility services and investments in distribution networks DRAFT
Author: João Pedro Barbosa Rodrigues Póvoa (ist193876)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Circular economy indicators in power sector EVALUATED
Author: Przemyslaw Jan Dygas (ist195464)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Unveiling the social costs of fuel poverty in Lisbon public housing EVALUATED
Author: Marcello Avanzini (ist195331)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144) Ricardo Manuel Anacleto Gomes (ist179832)
Energy Services for the Food Industry EVALUATED
Author: Mikolaj Jan Krutnik (ist195328)
Coordenação: Amâncio Lucas de Sousa Pereira (ist428524) Duarte Nuno Jardim Nunes (ist132720)
A comparative analysis of storage systems for wind power smoothing DRAFT
Author: António Schiappa Viegas (ist181221)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Development of an energy management model for a heating and cooling microgrid in a public building EVALUATED
Author: Lidia Garcia Garcia (ist194146)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Influence of Increasing Renewable Power Penetration on the Future Electricity Spot Prices EVALUATED
Author: Pedro Camoesas Leal (ist181198)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Use of learning mechanisms to improve the forecast of nodes' operation point in distribution systems DRAFT
Author: EDUARDO PRAUN MACHADO (ist194246)
Coordenação: Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Interlinkages of energy SDG 7, poverty SDG 1 and inequalities SDG 10 in the context of the 17 SDGs EVALUATED
Author: Hannah Scheikl (ist195320)
Coordenação: Maria do Rosário Sintra de Almeida Partidário (ist24577)
Demand Side Management in microgrids DRAFT
Author: André Guilherme Gabriel Cara de Anjo (ist193832)
Coordenação: Sónia Maria Nunes dos Santos Paulo Ferreira Pinto (ist13145)
Assessment of water and energy efficiency in urban and historical gardens EVALUATED
Author: Raquel Rebelo Cristina (ist193916)
Coordenação: Laura Sofia Pereira Pinto Monteiro (ist146242) Dídia Isabel Cameira Covas (ist13917)
Poland’s 2040 Energy Transition: Energy Mix Optimization EVALUATED
Author: Damian Hasterok (ist195298)
Coordenação: Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549) Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Investigation of the impact of wake modelling approaches on wind farm yield via yaw-based control optimization EVALUATED
Author: Bartlomiej Pawel Rak (ist195299)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
Electrical and Mathematical Models of PV Cells Strategies and Critical Assessment EVALUATED
Author: Marco Semeraro (ist427697)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Avaliação energética de estratégias de gestão de operação em veículos híbridos elétricos plug-in EVALUATED
Author: Hugo Quitério Ferreira (ist189305)
Coordenação: Gonçalo Nuno de Oliveira Duarte (ist154046) Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313)
Technical and socio-economic evaluation of energy disaggregation using Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) for the characterization of residential appliances’ profiles: the Netherlands case study EVALUATED
Author: Federica Blasioli (ist195325)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Investigation of Wind Farm Control Strategies EVALUATED
Author: Manuel Filipe Albano Ramos (ist175612)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
Renewable-based isolated microgrids instead of replacing existing MV lines supplying rural areas EVALUATED
Author: Alejandro López Vernet (ist195333)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
A comparison of modelling approaches for the evaluation of the electrical performance of secondary batteries in battery management systems (BMS) DRAFT
Author: Mirko D'Adamo (ist194109)
Coordenação: Luísa Margarida Dias Ribeiro de Sousa Martins (ist129111)
Definição de estratégias para produção e uso de biocombustíveis para a aviação em Portugal DRAFT
Author: Mário João Carvalho de Pinto Balsemão (ist181833)
Coordenação: Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361)
Feasibility of Ecodesign Standard IEC 61800-9 – A real case study EVALUATED
Author: Juliana Moreira Rebolho (ist191654)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Unleashing a solar irrigation pump revolution for smallholder farmers in Myanmar EVALUATED
Author: Alexis Phillips (ist195332)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Energy recovery of urban water networks towards new park charging EVALUATED
Author: Lluís Giralt Ibañez (ist197612)
Coordenação: Helena Margarida Machado da Silva Ramos (ist12110)
Material flow in photovoltaics from the perspective of circular economy EVALUATED
Author: Paulina Maria Harazin (ist195463)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Hydrogen-Powered Long-Distance Transportation for Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Karan Ramesh Narayan (ist195297)
Coordenação: Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Estudo do impacto económico e energético de uma metodologia de gestão de um sistema produtivo – Extensão do método a linhas de produção distintas DRAFT
Author: André Marques Mesquita (ist181737)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Techno-economic assessment of hydrogen offloading systems for offshore wind farms EVALUATED
Author: Brais Armiño Franco (ist195349)
Coordenação: Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Aerodynamic Performance Prediction of a Wind Turbine in Unsteady Conditions Using a Panel Method DRAFT
Author: Leonardo Buralli (ist195335)
Coordenação: João Manuel Ribeiro Costa Baltazar (ist62135) Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
O papel da eficiência termodinâmica no crescimento económico de Portugal entre 1960 e 2014: desenvolvimento e aplicação de um modelo macroeconómico com exergia útil EVALUATED
Author: Miguel Maria Correia Louza Viana (ist178370)
Coordenação: Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos (ist13892) João Alexandre Almeida dos Santos (ist158549)
Technological Assessment of Commercial Ammonia Synthesis Methods in Coastal Areas of Germany EVALUATED
Author: Shahmir Nosherwani (ist194366)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
From garbage to green fuels DRAFT
Author: Hariz Farraby Bin Jeffery (ist195315)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Numerical simulation of a thermoelectric generator module for road vehicles EVALUATED
Author: Piotr Franciszek Raczkowski (ist195461)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
Author: João Victor de Oliveira Pontes (ist194394)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
End-of-Life Scenario Analysis for Lithium-Ion Batteries from Passenger Car Electric Vehicles in the EU EVALUATED
Author: Robin Rainer Barkhausen (ist195346)
Coordenação: Fernanda Maria Ramos da Cruz Margarido (ist11861)
Small Flexibility Based Frequency Containment Reserves - Opportunities analysis and modeling EVALUATED
Author: Andressa Elisa Bade de Castro Pedro (ist195311)
Coordenação: Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais (ist428549)
Effects of expansion in the wake alignment of horizontal axis turbines with a lifting line model EVALUATED
Author: Marcin Dolata (ist195460)
Coordenação: João Manuel Ribeiro Costa Baltazar (ist62135) José Alberto Caiado Falcão de Campos (ist11408)
NILM Methods for low-frequency smart meter data EVALUATED
Author: Surya Venkatesh Pandiyan (ist191663)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Sustainable energy communities. Feasibility for today or long term? Case Analysis EVALUATED
Author: Ramon Balaguer Vich (ist197613)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Development of high-resolution maps of vegetation cover to support land planning and grazing management in fire prone landscapes EVALUATED
Author: Bianka Trencanova (ist195339)
Coordenação: Vania Andreia Malheiro Proença (ist90655) Alexandre José Malheiro Bernardino (ist13761)
Needs of Energy Storage to Supply the Urban Services in Peripheral Urban Area. Approach to Sustainability Cities EVALUATED
Author: Oriol Ventura Duran (ist195109)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Author: Shemin Sagaria (ist194367)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313)
Pathways to Net Zero Carbon at the City Level – A case study of Albany, California EVALUATED
Author: Nina Hegazy (ist192324)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Pulp and Paper industry, Decarbonization technologies to reach neutral emissions by 2050 EVALUATED
Author: Miguel Maria Madeira Santos Silva (ist181477)
Coordenação: Tania Alexandra Dos Santos Costa e Sousa (ist14067)
Data-driven prediction of optimal operating strategies for residential energy systems EVALUATED
Author: Ladislava Lipinova (ist192370)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Operation & Maintenance Simulation of Generic CTVs for an Offshore Wind Farm EVALUATED
Author: Jarmo Ling (ist192326)
Coordenação: João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176)
Techno Economic Analysis of Improving Energy Output of an Existing Solar PV Power Plant EVALUATED
Author: Hamid Iftikhar (ist192350)
Coordenação: Eduardo Abdon Sarquis Filho (ist190848) Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Sustainable development: the real case study of the Koinonia community EVALUATED
Author: Andrea Santopaolo (ist190885)
Coordenação: Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Building refurbishment work in Karlsruhe, Germany: How to develop a sustainable building process EVALUATED
Author: Matthias Bolza-Schuenemann (ist192383)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Author: Reinhard Pablo de Lucas Murillo de la Cueva (ist192388)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Modelling of heat transfer in a combustion chamber and multiphase flow in a pilot-scale CFB EVALUATED
Author: Agata Katarzyna Widuch (ist192330)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
Renewable energy storage in the natural gas network: Enhancing CO2 conversion into synthetic natural gas over zeolite catalysts by tuning Ni particle size EVALUATED
Author: Salman Amjad (ist192320)
Coordenação: José Manuel Félix Madeira Lopes (ist12544) Maria Del Carmen Bacariza Rey (ist175072)
Electric mobility Charging Network - Environmental Impacts and Challenges. Portuguese Case. EVALUATED
Author: Afonso Miguel Casaleiro Simões Domingues (ist175205)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Concept development and construction of a high-precision handling and cutting system for the automation of battery cell production EVALUATED
Author: Berk Gokoglu (ist188771)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Author: Afonso Da Cunha de Almeida e Sousa Borges (ist173922)
Coordenação: Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos (ist13892) João Alexandre Almeida dos Santos (ist158549)
Biodiesel purification using sorbents EVALUATED
Author: Sebastian Janusz Zborowski (ist192379)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Multiobjective optimization of the energy storage systems (CHP and batteries) for small and new buildings. EVALUATED
Author: João Pedro Almeida Carneiro de Melo (ist179753)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Modeling Wind Turbine Interaction: Large Eddy Simulations for the Verification of Empirical Wind Turbine Wake Models EVALUATED
Author: Valentin Bernard (ist192353)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
PV Plant Performance Data Analysis and Modelling: Diagnostic of PV Module Defects EVALUATED
Author: Francesca Martin (ist192339)
Coordenação: Katharina Lorenz (ist25461)
Market Research and Business Plan for a Forestry Start-up-based Carbon Compensation Services EVALUATED
Author: Ana Carmen Galan Arquiaga (ist192346)
Coordenação: José Manuel Costa Dias de Figueiredo (ist11931)
Evaluation of a novel type of reactor for the realization of continuous enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials EVALUATED
Author: Catalina María Gaona Freire (ist192315)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Design Estimation of Multirotor for Heliostat Cleaning Purposes EVALUATED
Author: Valentina Herrera Tchernykh (ist192318)
Coordenação: Alberto Manuel Martinho Vale (ist13968)
Author: Nicole Landi (ist187991)
Coordenação: Vitor Faria e Sousa (ist143604)
Evaluation of the impact of operation strategies on PHEV DRAFT
Author: Hugo Quitério Ferreira (ist189305)
Coordenação: Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313) Gonçalo Nuno de Oliveira Duarte (ist154046)
Continuous Manoyl Oxide production by a genetically modified strain of C. reinhardtii EVALUATED
Author: Sara Soares Cidraes Vieira (ist181436)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Solid oxide fuel cell integration in combined heat and power systems: analysis of the business case in the commercial sector EVALUATED
Author: Stefano Trentadue (ist192333)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Design loading optimization of a horizontal axis turbine with lifting line and panel methods EVALUATED
Author: Emanuele Quarona (ist192349)
Coordenação: José Alberto Caiado Falcão de Campos (ist11408) João Manuel Ribeiro Costa Baltazar (ist62135)
Cost Analysis concerning the Power Range in Isolated Pump Running as Turbine - Self-excited Induction Generators (PAT-SEIG) DRAFT
Author: Ricardo Nunes Van Zeller (ist181841)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330) João Filipe Pereira Fernandes (ist158045)
Designing and Prototyping of PCM based Thermal Energy Storage system EVALUATED
Author: Muhammad Yousif (ist192313)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Innovations towards low-carbon and resource efficient economies and the Climate, Land and Energy nexus - the case study of The Netherlands Under the Scope of the Sim4nexus Project EVALUATED
Author: Davine Natali Gertruda Janssen (ist192377)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Impact and solutions to cope with high penetration scenarios of photovoltaic micro generation embedded in low voltage distribution networks EVALUATED
Author: António Maria Almeida Rocha Manzoni de Sequeira (ist174637)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Data-driven forecasting models for electricity consumption and solar power generation to assess possible demand-response strategies The case study of Instituto Superior Técnico EVALUATED
Author: Fabia Miorelli (ist188735)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Que mix de energias renováveis para assegurar zero de energia em edifícios de apartamentos Casos de Belas Clube de Campo EVALUATED
Author: João Miguel Gameiro Alves (ist423065)
Coordenação: Nuno Alexandre Soares Domingues (ist45648) Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Developing a systems dynamic model to capture NEXUS interactions and help to promote sustainable development in Azerbaijan EVALUATED
Author: Sultan Aliyev (ist192337)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Renewable energy in low-income communities. Case study of Santa Marta, Rio de Janeiro EVALUATED
Author: Caterina Reolon (ist192325)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Techno-economic analysis of charging posts to be installed in a hub for electric vehicles EVALUATED
Author: Catarina Gião Beja Ventura (ist189283)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Recommendations for improvement of Ukrainian Solid Waste Management System EVALUATED
Author: Oleksandr Chaplygin (ist191460)
Coordenação: João Torres de Quinhones Levy (ist11400)
Microalgae to energy EVALUATED
Author: Olushola Tomilayo Olapade (ist191463)
Coordenação: Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347) Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Analysis and Evaluation of a Solar Thermal and Heat Pump Combination with Ice Storage EVALUATED
Author: Nouman Akram (ist192322)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Electricity load forecasting at single household level using disaggregated data EVALUATED
Author: Katarzyna Maria Zawadzka (ist192316)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Passive House Premium uma integração energética viável em Portugal? EVALUATED
Author: Catarina Isabel Costa Gonçalves (ist176282)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Assessment of using atmospheric aerosol transport models for predicting the soiling rate in CSP plants EVALUATED
Author: Paula Marie Moehring (ist192375)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of an Ejector Pump Burner for Small Scale Firing Systems EVALUATED
Author: Muhammad Ferdous Raiyan (ist192342)
Coordenação: Miguel Abreu de Almeida Mendes (ist148033) Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408)
Ultra clean combustion, oxy-combustion of hydrogen EVALUATED
Author: Katarzyna Grudka Zelaznowska (ist192354)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
General framework for optimization of pipeless plant with integrated production scheduling and energy constraints Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model EVALUATED
Author: Hubert Bolesta (ist192362)
Coordenação: Tânia Rute Xavier de Matos Pinto Varela (ist25305)
Catalysed pyrolysis of scrap rubber tyres EVALUATED
Author: Lukasz Franciszek Wojnicki (ist192345)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Assessment of Technical, Economic and Market Potential of Shallow Geothermal Energy in Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Abhijit Mohod (ist192312)
Coordenação: Peter John Bourne-Webb (ist25309)
Assessing the Value Proposition of Disaggregated Electricity Consumption Data through Real-World Deployments EVALUATED
Author: Fayaz Ahmed (ist192344)
Coordenação: Amâncio Lucas de Sousa Pereira (ist428524) Duarte Nuno Jardim Nunes (ist132720)
Production and functionalization of cobalt nanofoams for energy storage EVALUATED
Author: Naureen Khanam (ist192334)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859) Maria Teresa Oliveira de Moura e Silva (ist174708)
Biomass liquefaction and Bio-oil characterization. EVALUATED
Author: Onyebuchi Maryjane Ofili (ist191461)
Coordenação: José Augusto Dâmaso Condeço (ist137237) Maria Joana Castelo-Branco de Assis Teixeira Neiva Correia (ist12351)
Technical Assessment of ZigZagSolar BIPV System EVALUATED
Author: Mohamed Mufid Hakim (ist191462)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Tool to forecast PV generation potential for buildings rooftops DRAFT
Author: Laura Frassine (ist187957)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Energy efficient room temperature control through the use of phase change materials: Identification of potential for optimization based on an ESPr model and simulation EVALUATED
Author: Juanita Solano Guzman (ist192373)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Integration of Solar Domestic Hot Water System with Thermal Energy Storage based on Phase Change Materials EVALUATED
Author: Omais Abdur Rehman (ist192331)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Forecasting electricity consumption using simulation data from physical models EVALUATED
Author: Abdul Rehman (ist192314)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Investigation of Wind Farm Control Strategies DRAFT
Author: Manuel Filipe Albano Ramos (ist175612)
Coordenação: Alexandra Bento Moutinho (ist13959) José Alberto Caiado Falcão de Campos (ist11408) Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
Development of a Redox Flow battery for energy storage DRAFT
Author: Guanghua yang (ist191459)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) Alda Maria Pereira Simões (ist12144)
Experimental Investigation of the Novelty Process of Rankine Compression Gas Turbine (RCG) for an Industrial Pilot Test EVALUATED
Author: Hesham Adel Nasr Abdelaal (ist192336)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Energy Modelling: Forecasting the Australian Electricity Mix by 2030 EVALUATED
Author: Luca De Rosa (ist192343)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
A Multi-Criteria Methodology for developing a Sustainability Assessment Tool EVALUATED
Author: Moeez Ahmed (ist192368)
Coordenação: Teresa Sofia Cipriano Gonçalves Rodrigues (ist157289)
National Energy and Climate Plan 2030: modelling the Iberian power system under the New European Policy Framework EVALUATED
Author: Federico Barbieri (ist192369)
Coordenação: Diana Pereira Neves (ist400029) Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Optimal design and economic analysis of a grid-connected PV systems, operating under Net Metering or Feed-In-Tariff support mechanisms – case study of a warehouse in Poland EVALUATED
Author: Ryszard Górnowicz (ist192341)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Peer-To-Peer Energy Trading: Representing the Dynamics of Energy Consumption, Production and Exchange EVALUATED
Author: Paulina Maria Krukowska (ist192329)
Coordenação: Duarte Nuno Jardim Nunes (ist132720)
Corrosion study of anodes for magnesium air batteries EVALUATED
Author: Eric Pla Erra (ist192332)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Can ionic liquids increase the efficiency of oxygen evolution in alkaline water electrolysis? DRAFT
Author: Szilveszter Gábor Kéki (ist192321)
Coordenação: Luis Miguel de Almeida Amaral (ist25738) Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
Air-water flow on a stepped chute downstream of a Piano Key Weir over gravity dams: An experimental study EVALUATED
Author: Nismah Rizwan (ist192382)
Coordenação: Jorge De Saldanha Gonçalves Matos (ist12418)
Integration of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries in grid-connected Microgrids EVALUATED
Author: Jessica Papenheim (ist192348)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Author: Faith Eferemo Okoro (ist192352)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794) Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
Evaluation of anaerobic digestion of microalgal biomass for biogas production: scaling up from lab to pilot-scale EVALUATED
Author: Katerina Ilijovska (ist192335)
Coordenação: Jorge Manuel Figueiredo Coelho de Oliveira (ist426971)
Heat Management Optimization in Modern Greenhouses - an example on microalgae production APPROVED
Author: Krzysztof Tytus Krzykawa (ist188775)
Coordenação: Marta Ramilo Abrantes (ist25032)
Análise da criticidade das falhas e a sua monitorização em sistemas solares fotovoltaicos: proposta de uma nova metodologia "Custo da Deteção" EVALUATED
Author: Filipe Miguel Martins Franco Monteiro (ist174263)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Possible scenarios for the electric system by 2050 Portugal case EVALUATED
Author: Madalena Cordeiro Pereira Santos Rocha (ist176244)
Coordenação: João José Esteves Santana (ist11393)
Solar cooling technologies: Review, performance analysis and application to case studies EVALUATED
Author: Laura Martín Méndez (ist188773)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Technical and Economic Solutions for Grid-Connected Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants Optimization of a 24 MWp Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant EVALUATED
Author: Miguel Lima Simões da Silva (ist181094)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Solar Based Rural Electrification in Liberia EVALUATED
Author: Pietro Leonardo Levi (ist187887)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Analysis and comparison of open source energy system models for the derivation of political recommendations for action EVALUATED
Author: Stella Marie Johanne Oberle (ist427683)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Environmental and economic assessment of the potential of upstream activities in Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Grzegorz Mariusz Zamojski (ist427670)
Coordenação: Patrícia De Carvalho Baptista (ist151313)
Experimental of the thermal energy storage through the utilization of Phase Change Materials (PCM) in an office room EVALUATED
Author: Ana Sofia Domingues Cabeça (ist400065)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Gestão da manutenção em sistemas solares fotovoltaicos: Análise dos principais aspetos técnicos e económicos DRAFT
Author: Filipe Miguel Martins Franco Monteiro (ist174263)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Feasibility analysis of CO2 clathrate production for CO2 sequestration and transport EVALUATED
Author: Carmine Piparo (ist427673)
Coordenação: Maria Filipa Gomes Ribeiro (ist11988) Vítor Manuel Geraldes Fernandes (ist13181)
Financial Engineering. A Structured Financial Product applied to Renewable Energies EVALUATED
Author: Manuel Soveral Padeira Hopffer Navarro (ist177462)
Coordenação: Maria Margarida Martelo Catalão Lopes de Oliveira Pires Pina (ist14105)
Development and implementation of a methodology for the optimization of wind power forecasting EVALUATED
Author: Agata Mucha (ist188732)
Coordenação: António José Nunes de Almeida Sarmento (ist11359)
Evaluation of forest fires biomass for energy production: pyrolysis versus combustion EVALUATED
Author: Agnieszka Monika Wlodarczyk (ist188788)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Portugal's Transition to a 100% Renewable Energy Sector by 2050 EVALUATED
Author: Markus Fabian Doepfert (ist187814)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Development of the Data Acquisition and Communications System of a Wave Energy Conversion Buoy for Oceanographic Applications EVALUATED
Author: Leandro Henrique Costa Sousa (ist178950)
Coordenação: João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176) Luís Manuel De Carvalho Gato (ist11786)
Analysis of Natural Frequencies of Marine Turbine Blades EVALUATED
Author: Pascal Stephan (ist188755)
Coordenação: Luiz Manuel Varejão de Oliveira Faria (ist11870) José Alberto Caiado Falcão de Campos (ist11408)
Design optimisation for a hybrid renewable microgrid. Application to the case of Faial Island, Azores Archipelago EVALUATED
Author: Marco Barbaro (ist188733)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
An overview of the development of electric vehicle markets in selected EU member states. Analysis of observed trends and supporting policies EVALUATED
Author: Paweł Siara (ist188784)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Avaliação experimental das condições de conforto térmico e visual no interior de edifícios através da aplicação de películas nos vãos envidraçados EVALUATED
Author: Susana Filipa Santinhos de Figueiredo (ist423108)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
The Effectiveness of Decarbonizing the Passenger Transport Sector Through Monetary Incentives EVALUATED
Author: Rudolph Caballero Santarromana (ist188731)
Coordenação: Joana Serra da Luz Mendonça (ist45229)
CFD modeling of the flow over Pedrógão dam spillway and roller bucket EVALUATED
Author: Timo Lukas Methler (ist188764)
Coordenação: Jorge De Saldanha Gonçalves Matos (ist12418)
Processing of rubber waste with the steel cord content EVALUATED
Author: Daria Kamila Kádek (ist188786)
Coordenação: Maria Amélia Nortadas Duarte de Almeida Lemos (ist12119)
Regeneration of Deactivated Ni-Catalysts for CO2 Dry Reforming EVALUATED
Author: Md Abu Toyob Shahid (ist188787)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Case Study of Industry 4.0 concept at Tabaqueira Facilities: Predictive Maintenance of Compressors through data analysis EVALUATED
Author: Zaid Bin Farooq (ist188779)
Coordenação: Miguel Abreu de Almeida Mendes (ist148033)
Waste Resources Utilization as Stable Supports for Sintering Resistant CaO-Based Sorbents for Calcium Looping CO2 Capture in Cement Industry EVALUATED
Coordenação: Paula Alexandra Lourenço Teixeira (ist427170) Carla Isabel Costa Pinheiro (ist12547)
Investigation of offshore wind farm layout optimization regarding wake effects and cable topology EVALUATED
Author: Bryce Murray Wade (ist188757)
Coordenação: Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira (ist151719)
Energy Efficiency can help faster future Economic Growth in Greece. Scenario planning for 2030 EVALUATED
Author: Ioannis Polyzois (ist188762)
Coordenação: Tiago André Perdigão Alexandre Ribeiro (ist90569) Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos (ist13892)
Optimization of Ni nanofoams for assembling a Ni-Cap device DRAFT
Author: Olesia Meroniuk (ist422980)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Design of a car sharing system EVALUATED
Author: Matheus Silva Marreiros (ist176020)
Coordenação: João Pedro Bettencourt de Melo Mendes (ist13158)
Temperature Measurements of Single Burning Pulverized Particles EVALUATED
Author: Abdul Salam (ist188524)
Coordenação: Mário Manuel Gonçalves da Costa (ist13384)
Technical and economical optimization of the Peak Power superstructure in a Group of the CHP Plants EVALUATED
Author: Kamil Andrzej Witkowski (ist188523)
Coordenação: Henrique Aníbal Santos de Matos (ist12553)
Potential of Renewable Energies to Power a Natural Gas Driven Trigeneration System EVALUATED
Author: Szymon Wojciech Głuszkiewicz (ist188526)
Coordenação: Sandrina Batista Pereira (ist146154) Raquel Inês Segurado Correia Lopes da Silva (ist148180)
Que mix de energias renováveis para assegurar zero de energia em edifícios de apartamentos. Casos de Belas Clube de Campo DRAFT
Author: João Miguel Gameiro Alves (ist423065)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Business Model Development for a High-Temperature Co-Electrolyzer System EVALUATED
Author: Christian Michael Riester (ist188754)
Coordenação: Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
Numerical flue gas flow analysis in wet limestone Flue Gas Desulfurization installation using Computational Fluid Dynamics EVALUATED
Author: Kamil Bogdan Chłosta (ist188780)
Coordenação: Luís Rego da Cunha de Eça (ist12278)
Gestão da Energia Elétrica numa Unidade Hoteleira de 5 Estrelas da Cidade de Lisboa EVALUATED
Author: Daniel Velez Ventura (ist179382)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Industrial processes integration EVALUATED
Author: Mónica Cristina Costa de Nóbrega (ist426175)
Coordenação: Carlos António Bana e Costa (ist12037) António Manuel da Nave Quintino (ist126563) Ana Catarina Lopes Vieira Godinho de Matos (ist177517)
Evaluation of NOx formation indicators for hard coals selection to meet future environmental requirements EVALUATED
Author: Mikołaj Damazy Kowalczyk (ist188776)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
The sustainability assessment of activated carbon production from medium density fibreboard waste EVALUATED
Author: Rander Süld (ist188765)
Coordenação: José Manuel Costa Dias de Figueiredo (ist11931)
Monitoring Analysis and Performance Assessment of 1.2 MWp High Concentration Photovoltaics. Suggestions for the development of real-time monitoring systems enabled by the multi-user VICINITY platform EVALUATED
Author: Laura Broleri (ist188725)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330) Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes (ist11873)
Zeolite imidazolate framework-67 with reduced graphene oxide as platinum free counter cathode for dye-sensitized solar cell. Synthesis and analysis of the material in solar cell EVALUATED
Author: Łukasz Filip Kmiotek (ist188777)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
From inspection to asset management with UAV integration in utility-scale solar PV systems. Designing PV Insight EVALUATED
Author: Joan Hereu Morales (ist188752)
Coordenação: Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408)
Feasibility Study for the Electrification of a Village in Pyinsalu, Myanmar EVALUATED
Author: Tommaso Diani (ist188006)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Architecture and operation of a Demand Side Management Evaluation Tool in the Residential Sector EVALUATED
Author: Tommaso Mura (ist188730)
Coordenação: Luís António Fialho Marcelino Ferreira (ist11697)
The influence of electric vehicles’ development on wholesale electricity price- The case of Lithuania EVALUATED
Author: Karolis Gesevičius (ist188722)
Coordenação: Maria Margarida Martelo Catalão Lopes de Oliveira Pires Pina (ist14105)
Desempenho em serviço de sistemas fotovoltaicos em edifícios de escritórios APPROVED
Author: Rita Sofia Simões Marques (ist423077)
Coordenação: Vitor Faria e Sousa (ist143604)
Mathematical model of the industrial kitchen steam condenser EVALUATED
Author: Rafał Robert Wieczorek (ist188522)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
Comparative analysis of the renewable energy generation forecasts in Poland and Portugal and their influence on the energy exchange prices EVALUATED
Author: Radomir Wiktor Rogus (ist188525)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Optimization of Ni nanofoams for assembling a Ni-Cap device EVALUATED
Author: Olesia Meroniuk (ist422980)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
I-V measurement strategies for the characterization of thin film PV panels DRAFT
Author: Marco Semeraro (ist427697)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Sistemas Isolados Fotovoltaicos e a Eletrificação Rural na África Subsaariana. Modelos de Entrega do Setor Privado e os Desafios dos Mercados de Base da Pirâmide EVALUATED
Author: Matheus Pires Forain Rocha (ist426580)
Coordenação: José Manuel Costa Dias de Figueiredo (ist11931)
Biomass Gasification with Carbon Dioxide- Kinetic studies EVALUATED
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Author: Yusuf Adebayo Lawal (ist188782)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Concept of Energy Supply from Renewable Sources for Greenhouse Rose Cultivation in Poland EVALUATED
Author: Dorota Joanna Haba (ist188778)
Coordenação: Tania Alexandra Dos Santos Costa e Sousa (ist14067)
Design, feasibility study and environmental analysis of a grid connected PV system in Cambodia EVALUATED
Author: Edoardo Gionta (ist187958)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Sizing of PV installations based on economical pre-feasibility analysis according to self-consumption in Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Vincent Vangeel (ist188726)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Assessment and Optimization of Demand Response Technologies in the Smart Grid of Valverde, Évora EVALUATED
Author: Luigi Ghiani (ist188728)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Optimising the energy use through flexible costumer assets DRAFT
Author: Laura Frassine (ist187957)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Renewable energy storage via hydrogen production, intermittent voltage OER stability testing EVALUATED
Author: Marcello Rava (ist187959)
Coordenação: Jorge Manuel Figueiredo Coelho de Oliveira (ist426971)
Development of a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery for Energy Storage EVALUATED
Author: Gianluca Ghirlanda (ist187921)
Coordenação: Alda Maria Pereira Simões (ist12144) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Argument analysis of the debate on the energy transition of the German road transport sector. A visual analysis approach. EVALUATED
Author: Simon Hoffman (ist427674)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Biohydrogen pathways – An energy comparative review of production pathways EVALUATED
Author: Natalia Sara Buczak (ist427659)
Coordenação: Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
The influence of co-firing of biomass on heating surfaces in coal fired boilers in PGE Energia Ciepła S.A.Power Plant in Kraków EVALUATED
Author: Tomasz Franciszek Tylka (ist188521)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Business model development of a 3D printed SOFC stack EVALUATED
Author: Simone Moroni (ist188753)
Coordenação: Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
Electricity load forecasting with the use of machine learning and activity patterns EVALUATED
Author: Filip Geppert (ist188750)
Coordenação: Henrique Ramalho Monteiro Latourrette Pombeiro (ist156345) Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Simulation and Energy Management Strategy Development for a Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Powertrain of a Zero-Emission Boat - Multi Disciplinary Optimization for Hybridization EVALUATED
Author: Sevgi Can Erensoy (ist188761)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Needs, solutions and business model for the supervision, efficiency and energy management of final users in the context of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) EVALUATED
Author: Miguel Munoz Estelles (ist188751)
Coordenação: José Manuel Costa Dias de Figueiredo (ist11931)
Concept development and construction of a high-precision handling and cutting system for the automation of battery cell production DRAFT
Author: Berk Gokoglu (ist188771)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Design and Product Development of a Residential Energy Storage System EVALUATED
Author: Rafael López Pizarro (ist188742)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Impact of flexible assets on a microgrid EVALUATED
Author: Niccolo' Primo (ist188729)
Coordenação: Pedro Manuel Santos de Carvalho (ist13407)
Estudo experimental de um sistema de conversão de energia das ondas para equipar uma boia oceanográfica auto-alimentada EVALUATED
Author: Ricardo Jorge Chaves Andrade (ist426392)
Coordenação: Luís Manuel De Carvalho Gato (ist11786) João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176)
Germany 2030: Estimation of the Impact of Electrification of Individual Road Transportation Sector in the Economy - An Exergy Economic Analysis EVALUATED
Author: Lucas Schreiner (ist188769)
Coordenação: Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos (ist13892) Ricardo Filipe Chorão da Silva Vieira (ist144787)
Mexico 2030: Energy Efficiency & Economic Growth EVALUATED
Author: Javier Arturo Salas Gordillo (ist188763)
Coordenação: Ricardo Filipe Chorão da Silva Vieira (ist144787) Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos (ist415176)
Author: Oriol Casanovas Pratdesaba (ist188739)
Coordenação: José Manuel Dias Ferreira de Jesus (ist11575)
Mechanisms to promote Circular Economy in agricultural sector - Life Cycle Assessment of olive oil production in Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Emilia Weronika Cichoń (ist188785)
Coordenação: Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
Suitable location for renewable energy using GIS and a financial approach. Study case Valle del Cauca – Colombia EVALUATED
Author: Jose Miguel Hernandez Arango (ist188721)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Economic and Environmental Comparison of Charging and Fuelling Infrastructure for Electric and Hydrogen Heavy-Duty Vehicles EVALUATED
Author: Markus Schwenk (ist188734)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Analysis of Power Flexibility Control with Business Model Implementation and Application in Agricultural Sector EVALUATED
Author: Gopalakrishnan Srilakshmi (ist188727)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Catalytic Pyrolysis of Biomass EVALUATED
Author: Katarzyna Ewa Kucharczyk (ist188774)
Coordenação: Maria Amélia Nortadas Duarte de Almeida Lemos (ist12119)
Reduced embodied energy. Case analysis of a residential building in Lisbon, Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Victor Blanaru (ist188723)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Author: Diana Ionescu (ist188724)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Simulation and Design of a Boil-Off Gas Re-liquefaction System in a Small-Scale LNG Supply Chain Case Study of Trafaria EVALUATED
Author: Joana Alexandra Santos Antunes (ist423121)
Coordenação: Viriato Sérgio De Almeida Semião (ist12367)
Thermo-Ecological analysis of Recovery of LNG cryogenic exergy by electricity production EVALUATED
Author: Krzysztof Ryszard Dekarz (ist188520)
Coordenação: Luís Manuel De Carvalho Gato (ist11786)
Techno-economic analysis of breakthrough concepts into the OWC spar-buoy EVALUATED
Author: Lorenzo Afferni (ist426310)
Coordenação: António José Nunes de Almeida Sarmento (ist415760)
Simulation Tool for Small Scale Concentrating Solar Thermal Plant Analysis DRAFT
Author: Marco Semeraro (ist427697)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Life Cycle Assessment of Lithium-Sulphur Batteries EVALUATED
Author: Rachel Gabriella Sadok (ist427669)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Pyrolysis of low grade biogenic feedstock with in-situ sorption of Chlorine for emission reduction EVALUATED
Author: Yasha Dave (ist427661)
Coordenação: Jorge Manuel Figueiredo Coelho de Oliveira (ist426971)
Life Cycle Assessment of Micro-hydropower Projects: Assessing Environmental Impacts and Identifying Carbon and Resource Efficiency Opportunities in Current Design EVALUATED
Author: Takashi Ueda (ist427676)
Coordenação: Helena Margarida Machado da Silva Ramos (ist12110)
Big Data Applications in the Energy Sector - A Review of the Current Status EVALUATED
Author: Oguz Kiranlar (ist427698)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Study of the water dynamics into the CPVT system pipes EVALUATED
Author: Michele Andreoli (ist427704)
Coordenação: João Paulo Neto Torres (ist46857) Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes (ist11873)
RENEWABLE ENERGY PRICE INDICATOR - Analysis of the Effect of Variable Renewable Energy Generation on Power Prices EVALUATED
Author: Yousif Mohamed (ist427680)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Machine Learning to improve indoor climate and building energy performance EVALUATED
Author: Christoph Hopmann (ist427685)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Smart Home Market Study for Iberdrola - Drivers, State of the Art, Benchmarking, Business Models and Proposals EVALUATED
Author: Andrés Prieto Buznego (ist427694)
Coordenação: Manuel de Arriaga Brito Correia Guedes (ist14173)
Influence of the Solarus AB reflector geometry and position of receiver on the output of the concentrating photovoltaic thermal collectors EVALUATED
Author: Victor Seram (ist427717)
Coordenação: João Paulo Neto Torres (ist46857) Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes (ist11873)
Waste Ca (eggs shells) natural materials for CO2 capture EVALUATED
Author: Krzysztof Piotr Trzepizur (ist426989)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Energetic simulation and experimental evaluation of an office with reflective films combined with electric polarized smart films in the windows DRAFT
Author: Susana Filipa Santinhos de Figueiredo (ist423108)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Modeling and experimental of the thermal energy storage through the utilization of Phase change Materials (PCM) in an office room DRAFT
Author: Ana Sofia Domingues Cabeça (ist400065)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Windows Film to Glass: Numerical simulation software for avoiding thermal stress. EVALUATED
Author: Karthik Vengatesan (ist424420)
Coordenação: Victoria Corregidor Berdasco (ist25463)
Dolomites as Promising Natural CaO-based Sorbents for Ca-Looping Cycle CO2 Capture EVALUATED
Author: Magdalena Iwona Trzcionka (ist427664)
Coordenação: Carla Isabel Costa Pinheiro (ist12547) Paula Alexandra Lourenço Teixeira (ist427170)
Electrical Energy Cost Minimization of Yeast Production at Lallemand Iberia S.A. Company Using a Multi-Objective Optimization Approach Considering Time-dependent Electricity Cost EVALUATED
Author: Marcos André Marques Policarpo (ist423111)
Coordenação: Susana Margarida da Silva Vieira (ist45346) Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Utilização de Bombas de Calor Geotérmico no Aquecimento e Climatização da Academia Militar. Aquartelamento da Amadora (um caso de estudo) EVALUATED
Author: Diogo Jorge Pereira Gonçalves (ist179305)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) José Manuel Vaz Velho Barbosa Marques (ist12854)
Modeling Microgrid Energy Services in the Urban Residential Sector for Developing African Countries EVALUATED
Author: Ida Aba Ewool Mannoh (ist424616)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Numerical Modelling of Plastic Pyrolysis in a Solar Cavity Receiver Reactor EVALUATED
Author: Anna Viviane Reeves (ist427668)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Thermal Model Development of Modular Data Centers for Calibration and Multi-Objective Optimization EVALUATED
Author: Sören Johan Ludwig Friedrichs (ist426453)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Environmental and economic assessement of Li-S batteries DRAFT
Author: Natalia Sara Buczak (ist427659)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Pyrolysis and Combustion Kinetics of Refuse Derived Fuel and Ash Characterization EVALUATED
Author: Andrii Tomasik (ist426987)
Coordenação: João Carlos Moura Bordado (ist11307) Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081) Mário Manuel Gonçalves da Costa (ist13384)
Simulation and design of a boil-off gas reliquefaction system in a small-scale LNG supply chain. Case study of Trafaria. DRAFT
Author: Joana Alexandra Santos Antunes (ist423121)
Coordenação: Viriato Sérgio De Almeida Semião (ist12367)
Feasibility assessment and investment-proposal optimization for an NZEB EVALUATED
Author: Nikolaos Alexandros Kritikos (ist427671)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Design optimization of the mooring system for a floating offshore wind turbine foundation EVALUATED
Author: Daniel Toledo Monfort (ist187974)
Coordenação: João Manuel Ribeiro Costa Baltazar (ist62135)
Empirical modelling of flow through a wind farm for comparison with wake model EVALUATED
Author: Davide Liviero (ist427675)
Coordenação: Gil Domingos Marques (ist12038)
Strategies for microfinancing renewable energy and energy efficiency projects DRAFT
Author: Simon Hoffman (ist427674)
Coordenação: António Miguel Areias Dias Amaral (ist45356)
Building Dynamic simulation uncertainty evaluation based on sensitivity analysis EVALUATED
Author: Loïc Walrave (ist426579)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Thermochemical Conversion of Biomasss - Kinetics and Gasifier Modelling and Design EVALUATED
Author: Dagmara Pokwiczal (ist426988)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Economic viability assessment of floating photovoltaic energy EVALUATED
Author: Michele Barbuscia (ist426666)
Coordenação: António José Nunes de Almeida Sarmento (ist11359)
Analysis of the influence of mooring dynamics and hydrodynamic models on the response of floating offshore wind turbines using FAST EVALUATED
Author: Philipp Hufnagel (ist427689)
Coordenação: Luís Manuel De Carvalho Gato (ist11786)
Studying the links between Multicriteria Analyis and Scenario Planning:and the potential of their conjoint use for the energy sector DRAFT
Author: Miguel José Cativo Carreiro (ist172936)
Coordenação: António Manuel Alvarenga Rodrigues (ist423966) Carlos António Bana e Costa (ist12037)
Optimization and Analysis of Power-To-Gas Technology Pathway EVALUATED
Author: Shafiq Rahman Thottiyil Habeebu (ist427688)
Coordenação: José Maria Campos da Silva André (ist12117)
Dimensionamento e ensaio de um sistema de conversão de energia para uma bóia oceanográfica DRAFT
Author: Ricardo Jorge Chaves Andrade (ist426392)
Coordenação: Luís Manuel De Carvalho Gato (ist11786) João Carlos de Campos Henriques (ist30176)
Feasibility analysis of CO2 clathrate production for CO2 sequestration and transport. DRAFT
Author: Carmine Piparo (ist427673)
Coordenação: Vítor Manuel Geraldes Fernandes (ist13181) Maria Filipa Gomes Ribeiro (ist11988)
The effect of materials on the designs of open flue low NOx burner with non-cooled burner surface EVALUATED
Author: Liliana Santos Matos (ist426123)
Coordenação: Fernanda Maria Ramos da Cruz Margarido (ist11861) Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408)
Industrial processes integration DRAFT
Author: Mónica Cristina Costa de Nóbrega (ist426175)
Coordenação: Carlos António Bana e Costa (ist12037) António Manuel da Nave Quintino (ist126563)
Study for the computational resolution of conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy - Application to solar receivers in Concentrated Solar Power plants EVALUATED
Author: Giulio Beseghi (ist186217)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Simulation and design of a boil-off gas reliquefaction system in a small-scale LNG supply chain. Case study of Trafaria. DRAFT
Author: Joana Alexandra Santos Antunes (ist423121)
Coordenação: Viriato Sérgio De Almeida Semião (ist12367)
Optimized operation of the MTT EnerTwin in non-continuous or part load operation EVALUATED
Author: Magdalena Maj (ist427658)
Coordenação: José Maria Campos da Silva André (ist12117)
Understanding the Profitability Potential of Ancillary Service Markets: Techno-Economic Analysis of a Hybrid Power Plant EVALUATED
Author: Charles Alexander Stark (ist427672)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Renewable energy – technology, production costs and profitability EVALUATED
Author: Pablo Pizcueta Pastor (ist427713)
Coordenação: João Agostinho De Oliveira Soares (ist12631)
Using cold energy of the LNG in the integrated process of gasification and electric energy production EVALUATED
Author: Milan Zlatkovikj (ist427662)
Coordenação: Henrique Aníbal Santos de Matos (ist12553)
Purification of a syngas stream for the production of hydrogen for fuel cell standards EVALUATED
Author: Alessandro Pan (ist427663)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Nanostructure 3D metallic foams as electrocatalysts for electrooxidation and hydrolysis of sodium borohydride EVALUATED
Author: MUHAMMED KABIR BELLO (ist427667)
Coordenação: Sónia Cristina da Conceição de Matos Eugénio (ist31799) Diogo Miguel Franco dos Santos (ist45793)
Minimization of fine particles emission from biomass combustion. Liquefaction, combustion additives and cyclone separators EVALUATED
Author: Sriram Hariharakrishnan (ist427665)
Coordenação: José Augusto Dâmaso Condeço (ist137237) Maria Joana Castelo-Branco de Assis Teixeira Neiva Correia (ist12351) João Carlos Moura Bordado (ist11307)
Small Wind Power Plants - Feasibility study EVALUATED
Author: Viktor Kádek (ist427660)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Numerical simulation of different combustion regimes in a laboratory combustor EVALUATED
Author: Pawel Stanislaw Rodak (ist426985)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
Business Plan for FutureSiSens - "Development of a New Home Sleep Test (HST) Device for the Diagnosis of the Sleep Apnoea-Hypopnoea Syndrome (SAHS)" EVALUATED
Author: Carlos Arqués Arqués (ist427714)
Coordenação: José Manuel Costa Dias de Figueiredo (ist11931)
Logistics and fabrication study to assess commercial delivery of the WindFloat in the East Coast of USA EVALUATED
Author: Alex Peracaula Ruiz (ist427715)
Coordenação: José Manuel Costa Dias de Figueiredo (ist11931)
Machinery failure Assessment through pattern recognition of energy consumption EVALUATED
Author: Maria Magdalena Kolmer (ist426984)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Carlos Diogo Coimbra Henriques (ist156285)
Electric Mobility in Europe for 2030-2040 EVALUATED
Author: Volkan Isik (ist427693)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Modelling a solar power tower external receiver in Engineering Equation Solver EVALUATED
Author: Rita Sofia Feijão Almeida de Oliveira (ist423489)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Batteries and fuel cells for hybrid Systems - Technical and Economic modeling assessment for UAVs DRAFT
Author: Dhanush Daginakatte Basavakumar (ist427666)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Occupancy Prediction from Electricity Consumption Data in Smart Homes EVALUATED
Author: Davide Fialho Pereira (ist423168)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Kinetic analysis of thermochemical processes for dried cattle dung EVALUATED
Coordenação: Maria Amélia Nortadas Duarte de Almeida Lemos (ist12119) Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Achieving 2030 climate goals: an analysis of EU policy pathways to the targeted share of 27% renewable energy in gross final energy consumption EVALUATED
Author: Arndt Hassel (ist424613)
Coordenação: José Pedro da Silva Sucena Paiva (ist10558) Carlos Maria Ubach Chaves e David Calder (ist422546)
Eficiência das empresas de energia na Europa DRAFT
Author: Silvana Almeida Silveira (ist176773)
Coordenação: Rui Cunha Marques (ist401664) Maria Isabel Craveiro Pedro (ist13156)
Modelação de uma central solar termoelétrica de recetor central DRAFT
Author: Rita Sofia Feijão Almeida de Oliveira (ist423489)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Production and purification of cellulase enzymatic complex of Tricodherma reesei Rut-C30 EVALUATED
Author: Petar Keković (ist424592)
Coordenação: Luís Joaquim Pina da Fonseca (ist12136)
Optimization of the design of self consumption residential PV systems DRAFT
Author: Davide Fialho Pereira (ist423168)
Coordenação: José Manuel Dias Ferreira de Jesus (ist11575) Alda Maria Pereira Simões (ist12144)
Integration of a Concentrating Solar Thermal System in an Expanded Cork Agglomerate Production Line EVALUATED
Author: António Ascenção Castro (ist423187)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Use of methanol based syngas for waste heat recovery in vehicles EVALUATED
Author: Shashank Sakleshpur Nagaraja (ist424591)
Coordenação: António Luís Nobre Moreira (ist12089)
Supply and Demand of Flexibility in European Electricity Systems EVALUATED
Author: Swaroop Govinda Rao (ist424614)
Coordenação: Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361)
Decisão Multicritério aplicada a Biorrefinarias. Caso da Jatropha Curcas Linnus não tóxica em Sinaloa, México EVALUATED
Author: Joana Rodrigues Fialho da Rosa (ist179275)
Coordenação: Maria do Rosário Sintra de Almeida Partidário (ist24577)
Climate change impact of green purchase policies based on product environmental footprint and ecolabel strategies EVALUATED
Author: Luca Zonca (ist179463)
Coordenação: Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361)
Unique coating solutions for steel substrates used in photovoltaic solar cells EVALUATED
Author: Mónica Martinho Gomes Coronha Brioso (ist179308)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Modelling Short-term decision making support tool for O&M of offshore wind farms EVALUATED
Author: Bhargav Ravindranath (ist424603)
Coordenação: António José Nunes de Almeida Sarmento (ist415760)
Availability and economic analysis of the O&M strategy for the WindFloat Atlantic wind farm and sensitivity analysis on accessibility and weather conditions EVALUATED
Author: Christian Miguel Lorenzo Lozano (ist424619)
Coordenação: António José Nunes de Almeida Sarmento (ist11359)
Numerical assessment of negative spring on spar OWC based in the IVV method EVALUATED
Author: Stefano Roveda (ist424630)
Coordenação: António José Nunes de Almeida Sarmento (ist11359)
Development of an Enhanced Actuator Disc Model for the Simulation of Wind Farms EVALUATED
Author: Asif Zubair (ist424599)
Coordenação: José Alberto Caiado Falcão de Campos (ist11408)
Cell irradiation dosimetry at the Portuguese Research Reactor in the frame of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy EVALUATED
Author: Maxime Lamotte (ist423291)
Coordenação: Patrícia Carla Serrano Gonçalves (ist24591) Ana Cristina Fidalgo Palma Fernandes (ist30522)
Assessment of the PV Self-Consumption Impact on the Portuguese Scenario within the European Energy Legislative Scheme EVALUATED
Author: Cristina Milagros Herce Villar (ist422961)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Life Cycle Assessment of toner cartridges to foster Green Public Procurement policy: a case study in Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon CONFIRMED
Author: Luca Zonca (ist179463)
Coordenação: Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361)
Waste Ca (eggs shells) natural materials for CO2 capture DRAFT
Author: Krzysztof Piotr Trzepizur (ist426989)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Author: Anbu Malar Sundaram (ist424587)
Coordenação: João Agostinho De Oliveira Soares (ist12631)
Cell irradiation dosimetry at the Portuguese Research Reactor in the frame of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy DRAFT
Author: Maxime Lamotte (ist423291)
Coordenação: Ana Cristina Fidalgo Palma Fernandes (ist30522) Patrícia Carla Serrano Gonçalves (ist24591)
Development of a new hybrid supercapacitor with improved cycling ability EVALUATED
Author: Filip Piotr Szelejewski (ist424006)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Sustainable biomass supply chain optimization - Bioethanol and bio-electricity production EVALUATED
Author: Luís Miguel Santos Coelho Ascenso (ist167824)
Coordenação: Ana Isabel Cerqueira de Sousa Gouveia Carvalho (ist149893)
Building Energy Management Applications Implementation of a Building Energy Management System, including Technical Audit and Measurement and Verification planning EVALUATED
Author: Dávid Pálinkás (ist424642)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Gestaõ de Energia no sector da hotelaria DRAFT
Author: Daniel Velez Ventura (ist179382)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
PV Self-Consumption and Tariff Design Impact on Retail Energy Markets EVALUATED
Author: Álvaro González Fontana (ist424585)
Coordenação: Carlos Maria Ubach Chaves e David Calder (ist422546) Pedro Manuel Santos de Carvalho (ist13407)
Self-production systems for household electricity and hot water consumptions EVALUATED
Author: Alejandro Durá González (ist423537)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
A holistic study on smart grids and a business case study of an energy management service provider EVALUATED
Author: Krishna Reddy (ist424604)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Numerical simulation of different combustion regimes in a laboratory combustor DRAFT
Author: Pawel Stanislaw Rodak (ist426985)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
Modelling of CO2 capture using Aspen Plus for EDF power plant, Krakow, Poland EVALUATED
Author: VIPUL GUPTA (ist424586)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Author: Pankaj Arora (ist424600)
Coordenação: Susana Isabel Pinheiro Cardoso de Freitas (ist14366)
Energy harvesting in a municipal water management system: from storage and distribution to wastewater treatment EVALUATED
Author: Daniele Novara (ist424590)
Coordenação: Helena Margarida Machado da Silva Ramos (ist12110)
Simulation and design of a boil-off gas reliquefaction system in a small-scale LNG supply chain. Case study of Trafaria. DRAFT
Author: Joana Alexandra Santos Antunes (ist423121)
Coordenação: Viriato Sérgio De Almeida Semião (ist12367)
Expanded Cork Agglomerate Production Line powered by solar thermal energy DRAFT
Author: António Ascenção Castro (ist423187)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
The influence of irradiance concentration using an asymmetric reflector on the electrical performance of a PVT hybrid collector with standard monocrystalline cells EVALUATED
Author: Joel Nicolás Martínez López (ist424624)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Application of dynamic rating to improve transportation capability of the power systems connected to Wind Power Plants EVALUATED
Author: Marco Merante (ist424618)
Coordenação: Luís António Fialho Marcelino Ferreira (ist11697)
Use of Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) in Heating and Climatization of the Military Academy: Amadora Quartering DRAFT
Author: Diogo Jorge Pereira Gonçalves (ist179305)
Coordenação: José Manuel Vaz Velho Barbosa Marques (ist12854) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Voltage Distribution Characterization of CIGS Solar Cells Utilizing Luminescence Imaging Method EVALUATED
Author: Rani Andhini Putri (ist424610)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Development of a modelling and planning tool for renewable microgrids: The case study of Terceira Island EVALUATED
Author: Francesco Guzzi (ist424617)
Coordenação: Diana Pereira Neves (ist400029) Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Use of Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) in Heating and Climatization of the Military Academy: Amadora Quartering DRAFT
Author: Diogo Jorge Pereira Gonçalves (ist179305)
Coordenação: José Manuel Vaz Velho Barbosa Marques (ist12854) Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Analysis of risk mitigation benefits for investments into energy efficient and renewable process heat technologies EVALUATED
Author: Robin Merl (ist424615)
Coordenação: Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Market Analysis and Business Plan for Residential Energy Efficiency Services. Development of a Business Plan based on a B2C model for Energy Efficiency Management (EEM) companies targeting Residential consumers EVALUATED
Author: Albert Graells Vilella (ist424623)
Coordenação: Paulo José da Costa Branco (ist13330)
Methane production from CO2 over Ni-Hydrotalcite derived catalysts. EVALUATED
Coordenação: Carlos Manuel Faria de Barros Henriques (ist12178) Maria Filipa Gomes Ribeiro (ist11988)
Preliminary Study of Mini Hydropower Sites in Manna Region, Bengkulu, Indonesia EVALUATED
Author: Lestian Atmopawiro (ist422971)
Coordenação: Helena Margarida Machado da Silva Ramos (ist12110)
Analysis of thermal conversion of non-homogeneous solid recovered fuels EVALUATED
Author: Michal Kuna (ist400056)
Coordenação: Mário Manuel Gonçalves da Costa (ist13384) Ana Filipa da Silva Ferreira (ist90347)
Manifold reuse of silicon substrate in the layer transfer process with porous silicon EVALUATED
Author: Ivan Sharlandzhiev (ist179575)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Geochemical Source Rock Evaluation in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) using TG/DSC Analysis EVALUATED
Author: Ceferino Emilio Arias Ramos (ist422984)
Coordenação: Amílcar de Oliveira Soares (ist12180) Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081) Maria Amélia Nortadas Duarte de Almeida Lemos (ist12119)
Insect eye solar tracking EVALUATED
Author: Nayer Naiem Aziz Abdalla Youssef (ist422968)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Next generation of refrigerants for residential heat pump systems EVALUATED
Author: Martina Longhini (ist422976)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Recovery of excess heat from Methanation into WoodRoll® gasification and modelling of an integrated heat and mass balance EVALUATED
Author: Lorenzo Biacchi (ist422981)
Coordenação: Maria Cristina De Carvalho Silva Fernandes (ist12192)
Author: Mustafa Bal (ist422985)
Coordenação: Pedro Jorge Martins Coelho (ist12272)
Techno-economic analysis of the deployment potential of energy storage for grid connected applications EVALUATED
Author: Niklas Sebastian Günter (ist422956)
Coordenação: João José Esteves Santana (ist11393) Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa (ist13386)
Strategic energy supply of a company location with focus on renewable energies EVALUATED
Author: Stephan Matthias Hartmann (ist422959)
Coordenação: Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361)
Absorption chillers: their feasibily in district heating networks and comparison to alternative technologies EVALUATED
Author: Martin Dominik Schöpfer (ist179816)
Coordenação: Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes (ist12891)
Climate change impact of green purchase policies based on product environmental footprint and ecolabel strategies DRAFT
Author: Luca Zonca (ist179463)
Coordenação: Paulo Manuel Cadete Ferrão (ist12361)
Hydraulic Fracturing Design: Best Practices for a Field Development Plan EVALUATED
Author: Hafiz Mahmood Salman (ist423051)
Coordenação: António José da Costa Silva (ist13262)
Eficiência Energética de piscinas. Reabilitando incluindo o Mix energético renovável. Análise de caso da reabilitação energética da Piscina Municipal do Barreiro EVALUATED
Author: Nuno Alexandre Paredes Delgado (ist34363)
Coordenação: Manuel Guilherme Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro (ist14144)
Impact and solutions to cope with high penetration scenarios of photovoltaic micro generation embedded in low voltage distribution networks DRAFT
Author: António Maria Almeida Rocha Manzoni de Sequeira (ist174637)
Coordenação: Rui Manuel Gameiro de Castro (ist12375)
Plasma-Based recycling of Carbon Dioxide EVALUATED
Author: Seren Coskun (ist422977)
Coordenação: Vasco António Dinis Leitão Guerra (ist13264) Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960)
Influence of Biomass Co-firing on SCR Catalyst Deactivation EVALUATED
Author: Marcin Adam Kieltyka (ist400058)
Coordenação: Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias (ist12794)
Author: Aleksandra Stoch (ist400057)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Plastic Pyrolysis Using Montmorillonite-Based Catalysts EVALUATED
Author: Dorota Karolina Ligenzowska (ist422986)
Coordenação: Maria Amélia Nortadas Duarte de Almeida Lemos (ist12119)
Corrosion behaviour of steel used in boilers for biomass combustion EVALUATED
Author: Katarzyna Irena Siwek (ist422987)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
H2/Br2 Flow Battery System Architecture and Control System Analysis EVALUATED
Author: Endayehu Gebeyehu Haile (ist422983)
Coordenação: Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Influence of mineral matter on the gasification kinetics of coal chars in a carbon dioxide stream EVALUATED
Author: Pawel Torbus (ist400059)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
Hydrothermal Carbonization and Investigation of Biochar Using IR Spectroscopy EVALUATED
Author: Genzeb Belsie Nge (ist179815)
Coordenação: Andrea Kruze (ist423609) Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Advances and trends in woody biomass gasification EVALUATED
Author: Nahid-Ur-Rahman Chowdhury (ist179811)
Coordenação: Wolf Fichtner (ist423608) José Manuel Costa Dias de Figueiredo (ist11931)
Impact of emitter dopant gradient on amorphous/crystalline silicon HIT cell performance EVALUATED
Author: Mishael Ebere Stanley (ist179842)
Coordenação: Igor Sobkowicz (ist423543) Ana Maria Heleno Branquinho de Amaral (ist11744)
Design of a Green Sunshade: An Entrepreneurial Approach EVALUATED
Author: Danish Rehman (ist179581)
Coordenação: Enrique Velo (ist423542) José Manuel Dias Ferreira de Jesus (ist11575)
Alternative material use of fast pyrolisis char and its impact on the bioliq process chain EVALUATED
Author: Muhammad Mujtaba Abbas (ist179797)
Coordenação: Jörg Sauer (ist423347) Filipe José da Cunha Monteiro Gama Freire (ist12051)
Impacto das Janelas Operacionais nas Despesas de Operação e Manutenção de um Parque Eólico Offshore EVALUATED
Author: Tiago Miguel Fernandes Rocha (ist176569)
Coordenação: Miguel Filipe Pinho Lopes (ist149209) António José Nunes de Almeida Sarmento (ist11359)
Generation of a model for the description of the viscosity of bio-oil produced by fast pyrolysis of wheat straw EVALUATED
Author: Muhammad Rizwan Younis (ist179810)
Coordenação: Geörg Sauer (ist423689) Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Particle settling in high viscous pyrolysis char suspensions EVALUATED
Author: Goverdhan Shrestha (ist179818)
Coordenação: João Carlos Moura Bordado (ist11307) Maria Joana Castelo-Branco de Assis Teixeira Neiva Correia (ist12351)
Business Plan and Life Cycle Analysis of a Solar Charging Integrated Parasol for Micro Charging of Hand Held Electronic Devices EVALUATED
Author: Dimitrios Panagiotakopoulos (ist179817)
Coordenação: Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos (ist13892)
Design and Construction of a Test Rig Prototype to Execute the Full-Battery Runtime Test for Pico-PV Systems EVALUATED
Author: Tillmann Alwin Laux (ist179566)
Coordenação: Artur Fernando Delgado Lopes Ribeiro (ist11715) Norbert Pfanner (ist423335)
Characterisation of fly-ash cenospheres from coal-fired power plant unit EVALUATED
Author: Maciej Jacek Zyrkowski (ist179547)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104) Luís Filipe Da Silva dos Santos (ist12589)
The Energy Kiosk Model for Electrification – Status Quo and Future Strategies EVALUATED
Author: Judith Maresa Hartl (ist179565)
Coordenação: José Manuel Costa Dias de Figueiredo (ist11931)
Road to Renewables. Comparing the future of renewable energy deployment in the context of national development levels EVALUATED
Author: Scott Thomas Bryant (ist179571)
Coordenação: Deger Saygin (ist422910) Tania Alexandra Dos Santos Costa e Sousa (ist14067)
Phase change material product design. Market and business development assessment in the food industry. EVALUATED
Author: Davide Lora (ist179572)
Coordenação: Rui Pedro da Costa Neto (ist90104)
The rebound effect of household energy use in Portugal EVALUATED
Author: Hubert Jerzy Przygalinski (ist177472)
Coordenação: Carlos Augusto Santos Silva (ist23960) João Filipe Dias Rodrigues (ist143411)
WindFloat design for different turbine sizes EVALUATED
Author: Johannes George (ist179568)
Coordenação: Cyril Gilles Emile Godreau (ist25727) António José Nunes de Almeida Sarmento (ist11359)
Preliminary study on an offshore wind energy resource monitoring system EVALUATED
Author: Stefan Petersen (ist179795)
Coordenação: António José Nunes de Almeida Sarmento (ist11359)
Supported Enzymes as Catalysts for Biodiesel Production EVALUATED
Author: Jayamaha Hitihamillage Sisira Kumara Jayamaha (ist177224)
Coordenação: Joaquim Manuel Sampaio Cabral (ist11432) Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081)
Analysis of Stirling Engine And Comparison With Other Technologies Using Low Temperature Heat Sources EVALUATED
Author: Tamrat Abishu Gelu (ist177223)
Coordenação: Edgar Caetano Fernandes (ist13408)
Fuel from Waste - Catalytic Degradation of Plastic Waste to Liquid Fuels EVALUATED
Author: Agnieszka Lucyna Cwik (ist177480)
Coordenação: Francisco Manuel Da Silva Lemos (ist12081) Maria Amélia Nortadas Duarte de Almeida Lemos (ist12119)
Smart Organic Coating for Protection of Offshore Structures EVALUATED
Author: Mariola Barbara Plawecka (ist177476)
Coordenação: Konrad Swierczek (ist400094) Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Design of New Cu-Fe Metallic Oxide Foams Formed by Electrodeposition for Asymmetric Supercapacitors Electrodes EVALUATED
Author: Grzegorz Adam Lange (ist177470)
Coordenação: Sónia Cristina da Conceição de Matos Eugénio (ist31799) Maria de Fátima Grilo da Costa Montemor (ist23859)
Strategic and Technological Analysis of Electricity Generation from Biomass in Poland and Portugal: Present Situation and Future Prospective EVALUATED
Author: Karolina Magdalena Lany (ist177471)
Coordenação: Maria Cristina De Carvalho Silva Fernandes (ist12192) Clemente Manuel Pedro Vicente Nunes (ist10861)