Magalhães, L. (2018). A Decision Support Tool for the Flexible Development of Constrained Airports. Doctoral Thesis, PhD in Transportation Systems, November 2018. Magalhães, L. (2010). Melhorar a Mobilidade Pedonal em Cidades de Orografia Desfavorável: Campo dos Mártires da Pátria um Caso de Estudo. (Introduction of escalators in one of the hills of
Lisbon). Master Thesis, Master of Civil Engineering, November 2010. Chapter Book |
Magalhães, L. (2017). Airports. Linda L. Lowry (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourismy. (pp. 55-56). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: Magalhães, L. (2014). Airport passenger terminals. M. Garrett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of transportation: Social science and policy. (Vol. 1, pp. 127-129). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: Journal ArticlesMagalhães, L; Reis, V; Macário, R; (2018). “A new methodological
framework for evaluating flexible options at airport passenger terminals”,
Journal Case Studies on Transport Policy Magalhães, L; Reis, V; Macário, R; (2016). A literature review of flexible development of airport terminals, Transport Reviews, pp. 1-18. Magalhães, L; Reis, V; Macário, R; (2015). Can flexibility make the difference to an airport's productivity? An assessment using cluster analysis, Journal of Air Transport Management, Volume 47, pp. 90-101. Conference PaperMagalhães, L; Reis, V.; Macário R. (2016). Modelling flexible options at passenger terminals - an application to Lisbon Airport, INAIR Conference, Vienna, Austria. Magalhães, L; Reis, V.; Macário R. (2015). A Methodology for the Implementation of Flexibility in Airport Terminals, AIRDEV Conference, Bangalore, India. Magalhães, L; Macário, R; Teixeira, P. (2013). O Uso de Escadas Rolantes para Melhorar a Mobilidade Pedonal em Cidades de orografia Desfavorável: o Caso de Estudo de Lisboa, XXVII ANPET. Belém, Pará, Brazil. Magalhães, L; Reis, V; Macário, R; (2013). Airport Flexibility: a first Glimpse on the External Factors, 13th WCTR Conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Magalhães, L; Reis, V; Macário, R; (2013). Factor and Cluster Analysis Applied To Flexible Airports’ Performance Data, 17th ATRS Conference. Bergamo, Italy. Magalhães, L; Reis, V; Macário,
R; (2012). Flexible Development of Airports: where we
stand now?, Proceedings of AIRDEV
Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. Project ReportMagalhães, L; Reis, V. (2012). Review of Flexible Expansion Approach to Airports, Theme 3.1 of Final Report of the AIRDEV – Business Models for Airport Development and Managament, Editors: Rosário Macário, Vasco Reis, 171-189. Macário, R., Reis, V., Viegas, J., Magalhães, L. (2011). Cross Modal Transport Models (Prototypes), Deliverable 2, HERMES, 7th Framework Program, DG Research. Macário, R., Viegas, J., Reis, V., Magalhães, L. (2011). Case Studies, Deliverable 5, HERMES, 7th Framework Program, DG Research. Macário, R., Reis, V., Viegas, J., Magalhães, L. (2011). Handbook on Enhanced Business Models for Crossmodal Transport Arrangements, Deliverable 6, HERMES, 7th Framework Program, DG Research. |