Armando J.L. Pombeiro (Armando José Latourrette de Oliveira Pombeiro)

Official address: Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE), Instituto SuperiorTécnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa. Portugal.



Researcher ID: I-5945-2012. Scopus Author ID: 7006067269. Ciência ID: 8311-38FA-CEFB

Date and Place of Birth - June 9th, 1949, Porto. Nationality - Portuguese.

Education: Chemical Engineering (1972, IST); D. Phil. (1976, Univ. Sussex).

Present positions: Full Professor Jubilado (IST), Honorary Professor at St. Petersburg State Univ. (Institute of Chemistry), Invited Chair Professor at National Taiwan Univ. of S&T.

President of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon. Founding Coordinator of the “Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis” research Group (CQE).

Honorary and official appointments, membership of professional bodiescommissions, etc.:

Full Member of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (since 1988), President of the Scientific Council of the Academy (2022-), Vice-President of the Class of Sciences of the Academy (2006-12, and 1999-2000), Secretary-General of the Academy (2001-05) and Secretary of its Class of Sciences (2001-05), Vice-Secretary-General of the Academy and Secretary of its Class of Sciences (1998), Vice-Secretary of this Class (1993-98), Member of the Commission for Publications of this Academy; a Coordinator of the International Affairs of the Academy; a Representative of the Academy at ICSU and at the European Science Foundation; Member of the European Academies' Science Advisory Council (EASAC);

Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc) (2018); Member of the Academia Europaea (2022);

President of the restructured CQE (ca. 390 members) and Coordinator of its Thematic Line Synthesis and Catalysis (2015-19), member of the CQE directive body (since 2001) and founder of the research Group Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis and of its precedents;

Founding President of the College of Chemistry of the University of Lisbon (2017-19) and Coordinator of the Commissions for its creation and installation (2015-17).

Member of the Higher Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (2004) and of the Higher Council for Science and Technology (1995) (Portugal); Member of the External Evaluation Commission of the Physical Sciences of the Portuguese Universities (2002); Member of the Panel of External Experts assessing the Eng. Chem. Processes Department of the Univ. Padova (2005); Member of the Physical and Engineering Science and Technology Panel (1999) and of the Advisory Panel on the ASI Programme (1995-98), of the NATO Science Programme;

Distant Director at RUDN University (2021-23);

Honorary Professor at Saint Petersburg State University (since 2019) and Invited Chair Professor at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (since 2007);

Co-founder of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, President (2009-14, 1994-95,1988-89), Vice-President (1990-91, 2018-) and Secretary (1983-87) of this Society; Co-founder of the Iberoamerican Society of Electrochemistry (SIBAE) and National Representative (1992-96) at this Society; Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry; Affiliate Member of IUPAC; Honorary Member of the Portuguese Chemical Society; former Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and member of the American Chemical Society;

Chairman of the EurASc Symposium 2024 (Science for Sustainability), of the XXII Int. Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (2022), of the 1st Int. Conf. Non-covalent Interactions (2019), of the 7th EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen-Ligands (2018), of the XXV Int. Conf. Organometallic Chemistry (XXV ICOMC, 2012); Director of a NATO ARW and Chairman of 3 international symposia on Electrochemistry; Member of the Organizing and/or Scientific Committees of 78 international congresses on Electrochemistry (of the Iberoamerican Electrochemical Society, of the Journées d Électrochimie, of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, Chianti Meetings), on Coordination (ICCC), Organometallic (ICOMC) and Inorganic Chemistries, on Catalysis and on Solution Chemistry (IUPAC);

Member of the Organizing and/or Scientific Committees of international Schools on Coordination Chemistry (4) and on Organometallic Chemistry (ISOC) (14); Member of the Organizing Committees of various international or national symposia at the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (on History and Development of Science, on interdisciplinary scientific and social themes);

Director of the FCT PhD Program Catalysis and Sustainability (CATSUS, since its creation, 2014); Coordinator of the scientific area of Synthesis, Molecular Structure and Chemical Analysis (IST, 2009-14); Member of the Scientific Commissions of the PhD and  Master courses (IST, 2009-19); Responsible professor for the Dual Master Program in Chemistry (IST-Univ. Camerino, since 2009).

Member of the Board (Mesa) of the General Assembly of the IST Association for Research & Development (IST-ID, since 2021), of the Scientific Council of IST (2017-19) and of the Council of the Coordinators of the Research Units (2015-19).

Coordinator of the Chemistry PhD Programme (IST, 2000-03); representative of the Inorganic Chemistry Department at the Coordination Commission of the School of Chemical Engineering (IST, 1981-84) and Coordinator of  this Department (IST, 1983-84).

PrizesSCF French-Portuguese Award (French Chemical Society, 2018, 1st time); Vanadis award (2018); Portuguese Electrochemical Society Award (2015); Madinabeitia-Lourenço (International  Hispano-Portuguese) Prize (Royal Spanish Chem.Soc., 2013); Ferreira da Silva Prize (Port.Chem.Soc., 2012); Stimulus for Excellence (FCT, 2005); Scientific Prize Techn. Univ. Lisbon - Santander Totta (1st edition; the highest ranked researcher within chemical, biological and materials sciences, based on productivity and impact factor criteria), 2007; Scentific Prize Univ. Lisbon - Caixa Geral de Depósitos (2018).

Journal Special Issues in his honorCoordination Compounds and Catalysis (in Coord. Chem. Rev. 2020, vol. 405); Synthesis and Applications of Organometallic Compounds (in J. Organometal. Chem, 2019).

Teaching: Courses on Catalysis [CATSUS, IST; DEA and MSc Multinational, École Polytechnique, Paris; MSc Chem./Chem. Eng., IST; Erasmus IP courses, Univ. Camerino, Italy; Jyvaskyla Univ. Summer School, Finland], Organometallic Chemistry (Chem. and MSc, IST), Advanced Strategies of Synthesis (PhD, IST), Specialization Laboratories (Sc, IST), Inorganic Chemistry (Chem., IST), Electrochemical Methods in Synthesis (MSc, IST), Laboratory Techniques (Chem., Chem. or Biolog. Eng., IST), Analytical Chemistry (Chem., IST), Carbyne, Carbene and Isocyanide Complexes (MSc, Univ. Sussex) and Coordination Compounds in Pharmacology (research course, IST).

Main research interests

· Activation  of  small molecules with biological, pharmacological, environmental orindustrial interest or related ones [e.g., alkanes (functionalization under mild conditions) and derived oxidized and carboxylated products, water, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), alkynes, phosphaalkynes, isocyanides, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, dinitrogen, nitriles, cyanamides, nitric oxide, oximes, oxadiazolines,  carboxamides, amidines,  olefins, azides or cyanates] by metal centres, and their application in metal-mediated synthesis and catalysis, namely by searching for mimetic systems of biological processes (e.g. catalysed by peroxidases, particulate methane monooxygenase, nitrile hydratases and nitrogenases), alternatives for industrial processes and new types of molecular activation with significance in fine chemistry (including compounds with bioactivity). Also comprehending: non-covalent interactions in synthesis; crystal engineering of coordination compounds; self-assembly of polynuclear and supramolecular structures; transition metal and organometallic chemistries and catalysis in aqueous mediametal-ligand cooperation; high pressure gas reactions and catalysis in non-conventional media, such as supercritical fluids and  ionic liquidsbioactive complexes; selective chemosensors of biological ions.

· Molecular Electrochemistry of coordinationand organic compounds: applications in electrosynthesis, electrocatalysis, mechanistic studies, establishment of potential-structure relationships and induction of chemical reactivity by electron-transfer.

· Theoretical calculations for interpretation of properties and reactivity at the molecular level.

Selected projects (under his responsibility): Catalytic Alkane Functionalization towards Sustainable Organic Synthesis (PTDC program, FCT). Catalysis and Sustainability (FCT PhD Program). Chemical Synthesis and Catalysis (Nat. Program for Re-Equipping Science). Catalytic Carboxylation of Alkanes (POCI program, FCT). Metal-based Synthons with Pharmacological Significance (POCTI program, FCT). Coordination Chemistry and Molecular Electrochemistry, Synthesis and Catalysis (FCT). Transition Metal Chemistry and Catalysis in Aqueous Media (HRM EC Network) (Portug. team leader).

(FCT: Foundation for S&T. HRM: Human Resources and Mobility Marie Curie Research Training. POCI: Science and Innovation Operat.Program. POCTI: Science, Technology and Innovation Operat. Program)


1 book (author); 14 books (editor);

ca. 1,043 research publications (including 185 chapters in books or reviews and 858 other research publications in refereed international journals); 

ca. 40 patents;

ca. 20 didactic works; ca. 60 publications on various topics (S&T systems, Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, national electrochemical research, biographies, interviews, prefaces, editorials, etc.).

Other contributions

ca. 130 invited lectures (plenary, keynote and session lectures) at international conferences;

ca. 80 invited lectures at scientific institutions (usually foreign ones);

ca. 855 communications at conferences.

Research training supervision and mentoring

29 PhD and 19 MSc theses (degrees awarded), ca. 60 Doctorates (mostly foreign Post-doc. Fellows), ca. 75 Graduates or Undergraduates (mostly foreign PhD, Marie Curie, Erasmus, FCT, etc. grant holders).

Citation Report (Web of Science, October 11th, 2024)

Publications 919; h-index 80; Average citations per item 35.09; Sum of times cited 32,248 (without self-citations: 22,845); Citing articles 14,381 (without self-citations: 13,549).

Over 2,000 citations per year since 2016.
