
Model Checking and Random Testing

24 maio 2018, 09:30 João Carlos Serrenho Dias Pereira

Presentation of papers on Model Checking and Random Testing.

Random and Fuzzing Testing

21 maio 2018, 17:00 João Carlos Serrenho Dias Pereira

Presentation of papers on Random and Fuzzing Testing.

Random and Fuzzing Testing

21 maio 2018, 15:30 João Carlos Serrenho Dias Pereira

Presentation of papers on Random and Fuzzing Testing.

Model Checking and Random Testing

21 maio 2018, 14:00 João Carlos Serrenho Dias Pereira

Presentation of papers on Model Checking and Random Testing.

T24 - Mutation Testing

17 maio 2018, 17:00 João Carlos Serrenho Dias Pereira

Presentation of papers on Mutation Testing.