
Projectos Início Fim
Projecto: Field trip visit to SECIL: Submission of Challenge VE solution 12/01/2023 23:59 16/01/2023 23:59
Projecto: SECIL visit: Submission of videos of the bursts in the quarry 13/01/2023 18:30 18/01/2023 23:59
Projecto: Challenge 3 solution: for the for students that did not participate in any TIQ field trip visit 14/01/2023 12:02 17/01/2023 21:00
Projecto: Field trip visit to SUMOL+COMPAL: Submission of Challenge VE solution 19/01/2023 11:30 23/01/2023 15:00
Testes/Exames Dia Início Fim Período de inscrição Salas Cursos
Exame: 2ª Época 06/02/2023 15:30 17:30 QA02.3 QA02.2 QA02.1 MEQ21