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E.Awards@Técnico – Edição 2021/22

22 junho 2022, 19:18 Manuel de Figueiredo Sardinha

Dear Students,

I would like to call your attention to the E.Awards@Técnico competition that aims to award the best innovation and entrepreneurship projects designed by IST students enrolled in Entrepreneurship and Innovation courses.

If you think you have a winning project, please visit the competition page: https://tt.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/en/innovators/ietecnico/e-awardstecnico-edicao-2021-22/

There are multiple awards, just to spike your interest, the first prize for "Best E.Project by Santander" is the amount of 3.500€.

I hope you win, good luck.

Manuel Sardinha

Final Grades

9 junho 2022, 20:30

Reminder of Location and Time for the final Poster Session

28 abril 2022, 21:27

Reminder Final Project

26 abril 2022, 23:17

Grades (Intermediate Presentations)

13 abril 2022, 11:42

Corpo Docente

Relógio Ribeiro



Bruna Torres Ferreira

Carlos Vicente

Manuel de Figueiredo Sardinha