Important Information

23 junho 2022, 13:29 Paulo António Firme Martins

Dear Students,

Please pay attention to the following information regarding ‘ordinary assessment’ (‘época normal’), reassessment (‘recurso’) and ‘special assessment’ (época especial’).

Ordinary Assessment (Época Normal):
The classifications are available at the internet page of the course (refer to 'Classifications and Solutions' at the internet page of the course). 
Consultation and revision of the project report will take place on Monday (27th of June) from 10:00h to 13:00h.
Location: my office.

Reassessment (‘Recurso’):
Reassessment of MAP45 (‘recurso do MAP 45’) will take place on Tuesday (5th of July)
Please refer to the internet page of the course for more details. 
There is no reassessment of the project.

Special Assessment (Época Especial):
Students with access to special assessment (época especial) will be evaluated by means of an exam corresponding to the MAP45 of the ordinary assessment and a Project. 
The classification system will be identical to that of the ordinary assessment (40% Exam + 60% Project, with a minimum grade of 9.5 values in the Project). 
There will be no oral presentation of the project.
The deadline for delivering the project is the day before the special assessment exam
The special assessment exam will take place on September 5 at 14:00h
Please refer to the internet page:

Regarding projects to be delivered in the special assessment, there are three options:
(i) Utilization of the classification of a project that was evaluated during the ordinary assessment of 2022, if the classification of the project is equal or above 9.5 values,
(ii) Upgrade of a project that was delivered to the student during the course of 2022,
(iii) Make a new project.

In case of option (iii) students must get into contact with me. 
The deadline for the distribution of the new projects is July 31st, but please contact me as soon as possible.
The templates for writing the project report are available at the internet page of the course.

Kind Regards,

Paulo Martins