Métodos de Avaliação


The course evaluation comprises two components: a “Work Group” and a “Final Exam”, each weighing 50% on the final grade. To be approved, students must have a minimum grade of 9.5/20 in both components.

2.      GROUP WORK

Group constitution

The groups are constituted of 4 students. Groups with less than 4 members will be rearranged.


The group project aims at making the students develop knowledge and skills in the digital domain, in cooperation with other colleagues. In particular, it is aimed at making the students learn some specific topics in higher depth by developing (i) a practical project or (ii) a technical report.

Work development

(i) Practical project – This model of group work consists of developing a practical application involving digital technologies in Civil Engineering. Some examples of possible projects to be developed are: BIMification of a (simple) infrastructure (house, plant, dam, etc.), considering specific objectives to be defined (e.g., operation management; maintenance management; construction planning; budgetary control); Application of drones and robots in the inspection and maintenance of infrastructures (e.g., roofs, bridges, etc.); Application of drones in automatic inspection; Development of an algorithm for the use of a robotic crane in a determined constructive task; Development of a parametric model in BIM; 3D Printing; etc.

ii) Technical report – This model of group work consists of gathering and compiling up-to-date information on a specific subject. Some examples of possible technical reports’ topics are: robotic pre-fabrication of structures (steel, concrete, timber); the detailed description of a paradigmatic case study; BIM in the public works procurement; comparative study of the BIM development in the various European countries; the use of BIM in Portuguese design offices and contractors; IoT at the construction site; etc.

The thematic of the Group Work is proposed by the group to be approved (or not) by the responsible, Prof. João Gomes Ferreira. The students are invited to ask for his support during the development of the work to make sure that the final result corresponds to the course objectives and to the expected technical/scientific level.

Written document and oral presentation

All groups must present the work on a written document (in PDF) with a maximum of 30 pages (between the Table of Contents and the Bibliography), including figures and tables, at a regular spacing (single spacing to 1.5 lines spacing), and letter size (11 or 12). This written document must be delivered by July 8th, 2022.

The work involves a 20-minute oral presentation in the last week of the quarter, in which all elements must participate. The oral presentation may involve a demonstration of project outputs, either digital (e.g., BIM Models, Virtual Reality, etc.) or physical (Robots, IoT systems, etc.). A PDF version of the presented PowerPoint must be delivered on the presentation day.

The work group evaluation is based on the written document (50%) and on the oral presentation (50%).



3.      FINAL EXAM


The Final Exam aims at ensuring that the students duly consider the different topics taught in the classes and that they have acquired a minimum knowledge level in the domain of Digital Technologies in Civil Engineering.

Type and Rules

The Final Exam lasts 2h00 and is constituted by a set of questions essentially related to the contents taught and to the written elements made available on the course webpage.

The use of written elements or electronic devices is not allowed during the exam.