
Lecture 5

6 março 2018, 10:00 Jorge Manuel Rodrigues Crispim Romão

Chapter 2 Propagators and Green Functions
The non-relativistic propagator. Free propagators for the Dirac equation. S Matrix. Coulomb scattering. Pags. 77-89 
END of Chapter 2

Lecture 4

1 março 2018, 10:00 Jorge Manuel Rodrigues Crispim Romão

Spin and helicity. Equation for spin 1/2 massless particles. Minimal coupling. Lagrangian density and equations of Euler-Lagrange. Non relativistic limit of the Dirac equation. Pags. 34-44. 
END of Chapter 1.

Lecture 3

27 fevereiro 2018, 10:00 Jorge Manuel Rodrigues Crispim Romão

Solutions for the free particle. Spin. Projectors. Charge conjugation. Antiparticles. Dirac and Feynman-Stuckelberg interpretation of the antiparticles. Pags. 20-34.

Lecture 2

22 fevereiro 2018, 10:00 Jorge Manuel Rodrigues Crispim Romão

Chapter 1 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 
Dirac Equation. Covariance of the Dirac equation. Bilinear covariants. Natural system of units. The spin and the Dirac equation. Pags. 6-20.

Lecture 1

20 fevereiro 2018, 10:00 Jorge Manuel Rodrigues Crispim Romão

Presentation of the course: Program, bibliography and evaluation method.