
SIRS project plan review

8 novembro 2015, 13:38 Ricardo Chaves

Dear students,

for those in the Monday slots, please bring your project plan printed on paper.

See you tomorrow,
Ricardo Chaves.

SIRS project plan review - Monday slots - Room V0.03

5 novembro 2015, 10:47 Ricardo Chaves

Dear student,

for the next week's project plan review on Monday slots ONLY, the room will be room V0.03.
This meeting will occur according to the schedule in

Best regards,

Ricardo Chaves.

Office hours change

2 novembro 2015, 19:50 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

The office hours of Prof Miguel Pardal for Tuesday, November 3rd will change from 11:30 to 15:00, due to the participation in an academic committee.

Project plans due

2 novembro 2015, 15:27 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

The plan document is due this week, one day after the lab shift at 20:00.


a group enrolled on a Monday shift should submit the project plan by Tuesday, November 3rd, 20:00.

A group enrolled on a Thursday shift should submit the project plan by Friday, November 6th, 20:00

Monday groups, please see the earlier announcement by Professor Ricardo Chaves regarding next week's lab session

SIRS project plan review - Monday slots ONLY

2 novembro 2015, 15:20 Ricardo Chaves

Dear student,

for the next week's project plan review on Monday slots ONLY, I (Ricardo Chaves) will not be able to be their during the regular laboratory  hours.

As such (for students on the Monday slots ONLY), please reserve a slot for your group at: