
Notas finais

4 julho 2016, 09:33 Rodrigo Miragaia Rodrigues

As notas finais estão disponíveis na secção de Exames. A revisão de provas será no dia 7/7 pelas 10:00 na sala 604A do INESC.

Boas férias a todos!


23 junho 2016, 22:56 Rodrigo Miragaia Rodrigues

Hi all, the grades for the 1st exam are now available.

Registration for the 2nd exam is mandatory, please register as soon as possible.

The "revisão de provas" will take place on Monday June 27 at 11 am, at INESC-ID.

The minimum grade in the exam component is 8.0 (this was mistakenly indicated with a higher value before, our apologies). This clarification does not affect anyone's passing status.

Sample exam

31 maio 2016, 23:13 Paolo Romano

A sample exam has been published in the corresponding section.

Project/presentation grades

31 maio 2016, 22:52 Rodrigo Miragaia Rodrigues

Project/presentation grades are available in the "Project" section

Schedule for project discussions

22 maio 2016, 09:39 Rodrigo Miragaia Rodrigues

Hello all, the schedule for the project discussions is posted in

Rooms for the project discussions:

Terça,  24, 12h00 - 12h30 -> Lab 8
Terça,  24, 14h00 - 15h30 -> Lab 14
Quarta, 25, 11h30 - 15h30 -> Lab 10

Don't forget the time change for Friday's lecture (aula teórica): new time is Wednesday at 3:30pm, in room F8