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Course project requirements

20 abril 2011, 10:16 Edgar Mamede Marques

Each group is expected to implement a set of two of the algorithms described in sections 3.10, 3.11. and 3.12 of the course text book. The algorithms will be assigned to each group after enrollment and will be chosen according to the number of elements of each group and the estimated required effort for each of them. The algorithms should be implemented on top of the Appia protocol stack framework. To facilitate testing the algorithms during development and especially during project evaluation each group should also implement a fault injection layer in the protocol stack for simulating the presence of Byzantine processes. The layer should be configurable to allow deterministic behaviour when reproducing the same test scenario.

Additionally, each group must write a tutorial on the implementation of these algorithms following the same template as the tutorials available from the text book website (first edition):

Evaluation criteria will include, among others, the correctness of the implemented algorithms and the range of test scenarios covered (which should also include cases a specific algorithm cannot handle and will fail). The students are not required to address typical issues which are paramount in real-world implementations, such as limited buffer sizes, resource management and other optimizations, and therefore such concerns will not be evaluated.

The project submission deadline is Friday, May 27th. From now on all laboratory classes will be devoted to the implementation of the course project.

Course project enrollment is now open

20 abril 2011, 09:14

Corpo Docente

Luís Eduardo Teixeira Rodrigues



Edgar Mamede Marques