
Class on Python

24 setembro 2015, 22:56 Rodrigo Ventura

After receiving several requests, we decided to teach a class on Introduction to Python on Tuesday, 29-Sep-2015, from 14h00 to 15h30, room EA3.

Group registration in fenix

23 setembro 2015, 10:56 Pedro Urbano Lima

Dear all,

The project assignment to groups should now be either final or very close to final. Please double-check one last time the info in the Projects section and starting tonight, at 1 minute past midnight (the first minute of 24 Sep) you can register your group (atomically, min 4 / max 5 elements) in fenix, in the Groups section.

In case you can assign a number to your group, instead of an automatic numbering, use the number of your project, to help us getting organised (not sure fi this is possible).

IMPORTANT: make sure you register your group in the correct Lab day (Tuesday: projects 1-8; Thursday: projects: 9-16).

ROS mini-course slides online

22 setembro 2015, 11:25 Pedro Urbano Lima

The slides for the ROS mini-course are already online in the Projects section of the page. There is also a link for the installation page of ROS Indigo. Students are strongly advised to install it before the Lab class today. 

Slides and list of projects online

18 setembro 2015, 11:46 Pedro Urbano Lima

The slides of the first two classes have been updated online. In the projects section you can also find now the list of projects presented today in class, as well as an update on all the dates and logistics. Please pay special attention to the final slide with the procedure and deadlines for the most urgent next actions.

Arranque da UC Sistemas Autónomos

7 setembro 2015, 19:41 Pedro Urbano Lima

A página da web foi atualizada. Notar:

  • horário de laboratório de sexta feira não deverá funcionar a menos que entretanto aumente muito o número de alunos inscritos na UC
  • diapositivos já disponíveis são do ano passado - normalmente serão atualizados durante o semestre.
Aulas iniciam-se no dia 15 de Setembro, com uma aula T de apresentação da UC, no horário e sala previstos.