
Aulas Teóricas

Newton Mechanics and the Galilean Transformation

  1. Newton's Laws
  2. Intertial frames and the Galilean Transformation
  3. The Galilean space and time and its geometry
  4. The Galilean Group

Problems with light

  1. Measuring the speed of light: early attempts
  2. Electromagnetism, Maxwell Equations, and the Galilean Transformation
  3. The Michelson-Morley experiment
  4. The question of simultaneity

Einstein's Relativity

  1. Einstein's Relativity principle
  2. Time Dilation
  3. Space contraction
  4. Examples

Einstein's space-time

  1. Einstein's space-time
  2. The geometry of space-time
  3. The Einstein-Lorentz Transformation

Examples of Einstein's Special Relativity at work

  1. Classical and Relativistic Doppler effect
  2. Relativistic particle decay
  3. How to detect a star aberration due to relativistic effects

Dynamical concepts in Einstein's Special Relativity

  1. Momentum and force in Einstein's Special Relativity
  2. Relativistic energy. The mass-energy theorem
  3. The conservation of Energy-Momentum
  4. Angular momentum in Einstein's Special Relativity

Examples of simple dynamical processes in Einstein's Special Relativity

  1. Decay and collision of relativistic particles; the laboratory and center of momentum frames
  2. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
  3. Planning an experiment

Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity

  1. The d'Alembert Principle
  2. Inertial and non-inertial frames
  3. The Equivalence Principle of Einstein
  4. The new vision of space-time