Exam grades

23 janeiro 2016, 20:44 Pável Pereira Calado

The exam grades are now published under "Exames/Notas" (TP website).

For the clarification of any detail concerning the exam grades, please try
first that by email contacting the relevant professor, considering that the
groups 1 and 2 where graded by Prof. Pável Calado and groups 3 and 4 by
Prof. José Borbinha.
If you believe a in presence review is required, please send a request for
that by email, to the concerned professor, UNTIL THE 20:00 OF January 25th,
considering these periods for that purpose:
- Prof. Pável Calado (groups 1 or 2):
-- Taguspark - 26th January (Tuesday) - 12:00--13:00
-- Alameda - 27th January (Tuesday) - 14:00--15:00
- Prof. José Borbinha (groups 3 or 4):
-- TagusPark - 26th January (Tuesday) - 12:00--13:00
-- Alameda - 26th January (Tuesday) - 17:00--18:00