
Slides 07 - Semantic Web Technology are published

15 novembro 2015, 17:24 José Borbinha

Slides "07 - Semantic Web Technology" are published (in section "Slides")

Materials of this week class

7 novembro 2015, 16:42 José Borbinha

Materials of this week class are published (in "Slides")

Lab classes fot this week

14 outubro 2015, 10:11 Pável Pereira Calado

Lab classes for this week will be to finish the previous weeks exercises or for support on the first project deliverable.

If you want to know more about Zipf s Law

5 outubro 2015, 14:09 Pável Pereira Calado

Project statement and groups

28 setembro 2015, 17:05 Pável Pereira Calado

The project statement is now available in section "projecto".

Students that still have no group for the project, should contact prof. Pável Calado by email, with the subject "PRI - Project Groups" and containing their name, number and campus.