
7th T

13 março 2019, 11:00 Helena Sofia Andrade Nunes Pereira Pinto

Procedural Interpretations of Rules: Servants and Daemons.

Rules in Production Systems.The idea, basic operation, working memory and working memory elements, rules, rule conditions and rule actions.Examples and tracing examples. Applications.

4th P

13 março 2019, 09:30 Helena Sofia Andrade Nunes Pereira Pinto

First Order Logic Resolution.

6th T

8 março 2019, 14:30 Helena Sofia Andrade Nunes Pereira Pinto

Improving the efficiency of Resolution in Propositional and FOL and its implications for KR:
- Herbrand Universe and Herbrand Theorem.
- SAT solvers
- Strategies: Clause elimination, Ordering Strategies, Set of Support, Connection Graph, Sorted Logic, Directional connectives.

Reasoning with Horn Clauses: Representation, Resolution and SLD derivations, PROLOG, BAckward and Forward chaining - features and problems, and First order undecidability.

Procedural Control of Reasoning in PROLOG: Rule formulation, algorithm design, ordering goals, committing (if-then-else), controlling backtracking, negation as failure.

(Chapters 4, 5, and 6)

3rd P

8 março 2019, 09:30 Helena Sofia Andrade Nunes Pereira Pinto

Representations of Knowledge and Reasoning from Interpretations.
Expressing Knowledge.

5th T

6 março 2019, 11:00 Helena Sofia Andrade Nunes Pereira Pinto

Resolution and Resolution Procedure in Propositional Logic.
Handling Variables and Quantifiers: CNF, Resolution, Answer extraction, Skolemization.
Dealing with Intractability: MGU.