As students know it was necessary to close some laboratories due to the reduced number of enrollments.

This made that some students could not attend the available laboratories.A few weeks ago it was asked for students to give their disponibilities in a online form. 

After processing of the answers, the following distribution was made:

Every S represents the available labs given each student. This was used to distribute students by the already opened laboratories.

The green cell represent the assigned  laboratories. If students want to change to another laboratory it is still possible.

Students maker in red are those that did not have the availability  to attend the opened laboratories.

Due to the low number of students in this situation it was decided to not open any new laboratory.

These student can work at home and contact the teaching staff during the the revision classes (to be defined), by TEAMS, or any other time arranged with the professors.

We are sorry for this, but this transitions are always complex and there is allays an added effort by all parts....