PROMOTER Responsible


PROMOTER Telephone


Website (of PROMOTER or EVENT)


Prof. Miguel Casquilho

[IST] COMPUWEB --- Computing over the Web

Industrial companies need Computer Engineers for tasks these engineers may underestimate.  The Internet is the easy connection, both institutional and physical.  To this end, a Proposal is schematically presented for a study on computing over the Internet (essential feature), suggesting to:

a) Include heterogeneous parallelization;  and

b) Solve applied problems.

Public presentation of this Proposal, in more detail, can be made. A more detailed Description is at ( line, "Project").

We intend to:

i) Try, in the short term, to publish (in congresses, scientific journals) the results;  and

ii)  Consolidate the use, over the Internet, of high quality programs, already tested, needing important steps in the informatics (or “information technology”) chain:  optimized installation, security, combination of programming languages, resolution of industrial problem

We also wish to:  give the candidate [see i)] a new (or first) expressive mention in his CV;  support the computing over the Internet [see ii)];  and get acquainted with some problem in industry.

Ideally, a participation at CISTI'2017 is envisaged to accomplish "i)".

IST campus Alameda

Prof. Miguel Casquilho


2 positions


Núcleo Estudantil de Informática do Instituto Superior Técnico

[NEIIST] Activities at NEIIST

Here at NEIIST you can choose an activity to perform from a stablished set: you can be part of a development team and create software, you can be part of a group of people designated to create networking with IT companies or you can work with students from Portuguese high schools.

The main objective is to improve NEIIST and its relations with other entities within and outside Técnico Lisboa.

To be Agreed with Student

Tomás Alves


up to 20 positions


IEEE IST Student Branch

[IEEE-IST] Academic Video Edition/Recording

The students will be able to learn to edit/record videos, with teachers of the university, about certain topics relevant to the different courses existing in IST. These videos will be available online in youtube and in the IEEE Academic website, so everyone can have access to them.

Work together with the team, organize who does what, talk to teachers and set up recording schedules with the teachers, and edit the videos with specified software. This will require the students to organize their time wisely, learn how to communicate with teachers and other team members, expose their point of view, and learn new skills related with edition/recording.

IST campus Taguspark

Anisa Shahidian


3 positions


Laboratório de Apoio à Gestão de Actividades Extracurriculares dos Estudantes


LAGE2 is a Lab. that have the objective of help the students with their extra-curricular activities and objectives. Construct and develop events to increase the students soft skills and help them with our knowledge and resources. 

Development the soft skills and help in different groups with in the LAGE2 Lab.

To be Agreed with Student

Rita Gaspar


up to 10 positions


Inter-faces Portugal, Lda

[Inter-Faces] Can you? Share it !

We have an study's center called Wip - Momentos de Aprendizagem, for young people between 6 and 12 years old. Every single day, we have Space not used, Teachers hours not used, transport place not used, Computers time not used, etc. There we share those excedents, providing study support to fantastic young people without possibilities to pay it as our regular students.

Why? Because if we do not do it today, tomorow, we can't use those excedents again and everything will be lost.

You, you will have time to learn about work life reality in yours portfolio activity.

If we add your time, with our excedents, we can provide a fantastic time to young people learn "programming in Scratch", for free. This is our Corporate Social Responsability and yours? Are you In?

Allow young people learn computer programming

Lisboa Area

Fernando Costa or Patricia Costa


up to 10 positions

[ESN Lisbon]

Erasmus Student Network Lisbon

[ESN Lisbon] Activities colaborator @ ESN Lisboa

ESN Lisboa receives between 3000 to 5000 Erasmus students every semester. We organize social and cultural events, parties, trips, and many other kinds of activities, for them. In short, your job as a "ESN Lisboa Colaborator" is to help the members preparing and executing said activities.  

Our goal is to support and promote the exchange of students and an intercultural environment and our principle is «Students helping students». With that in mind, candidates are demanded to attend an interview so we can evaluate their thoughts and their commitment with the cause. In the interview, they will be asked to pick the three departments where they would most like to perform their activities but with a catch: they may be appointed to 1, 2 or none. The tasks vary by department and type of work that is necessary to perform there. However, enjoying the team spirit and since it is an organization that is governed by the rules of volunteering, any member can assist in the preparation, promotion and / or communication of an event belonging to another department than their own.

Lisboa Area

Henrique Fiadeiro


3 to 5 positions


INESC Inovação (research institute)

[INOV] XGamify @ INOV

In this activity the student will participate in a research project at INOV for a company. The project is developing a new software product to gamify the software development process, including the game elements, the interface design, the software development, and the user tests.

The main objective of this activity is to learn how to work with a group of people belonging to two different organizations, in three geographical places, using a software development method called Scrum.

Organisation Address

Prof. Miguel Mira da Silva


3 positions


INESC Inovação (research institute)

[INOV] Personal Scrum

In this activity the student will learn, apply and evaluate Scrum to manage his/her own life. As a management technique, Scrum has a number of advantages including a focus on execution, value, deliverables, people, feedback, and especially on change.

The main objective for the student is to learn a technique to manage him/her own life, including lectures to attend, subjects to learn, reports to deliver, projects to finish, and preparation for tests and exams. Scrum offers some tools that are extremely helpful, such as (weekly) sprints and burn down charts.

At Student Discretion

Prof. Miguel Mira da Silva


up to 10 positions


INESC Inovação (research institute)

[INOV] Entrepreneurship @ Técnico

In this activity the students will (try to) understand why the entrepreneurship intentions are so low amongst the Técnico students, in particular the MEIC students. For example, less than 2% of the MEIC students take the (optional) Entrepreneurship course and probably even less found a startup during the last year or just after graduating. This problem is very well-known amongst the investors who complain that they don't have enough startups from Técnico students in which to invest their money!

The main objective of this activity is to collect the opinion of the majority of the MEIC students in both campus using personal interviews based on a predefined questionnaire that was developed in the context of a master thesis. After that, a focus group will be organized with the students participating in this activity to agree on a joint conclusion. The master student will then write and submit a scientific paper to a conference with a summary of the results.

At Student Discretion

Prof. Miguel Mira da Silva


up to 10 positions


Prof. Luisa Coheur

[IST] Escape the room + Literatura e (bons) hábitos de leitura

Estão em jogo duas actividades. A primeira diz respeito a continuar a montar um jogo do tipo "escape game", no Taguspark; a segunda tem por objectivo propor actividades que sejam um estímulo à leitura.

Jogo: ter o escape game operacional; Leitura: propor actividades, recolha de livros

IST campus Taguspark

Prof. Luisa Coheur


up to 10 positions


Fundação S. João de Deus

[FSJD]Wake up - activities for the elderly

The Fundação S. João de Deus carries out various activities with older people, in isolation, with the support of volunteers to increase and diversify the number of activities, which can be followed at home and abroad, in Monthly walks to the dynamization of computer workshops, games of cognitive stimulation, among other activities; 

The activity may be accompanied by the technician in the performance of small domestic repairs at the home of people in situation of social vulnerability

Programs and / or accompany group activities; Accompany older people at home or abroad; Support in the realization of small domestic repairs; Support in the programming / design of volunteer / activity management programs

Organisation Address

Sandra Silva


3 positions


Semana Informática


​The main objective of the activities at SINFO is to do and prepare all the different areas that are needed to the main event occur with success. Those areas have a

wide angle of diversity, and are summarized as this: Communication, Social Networks, Development Team, Strategic Partnerships, Multimedia and of course the Coordination of all the team. All the candidates must have proficiency in Portuguese and English, excellent communication skills both orally and in writing, excellent interpersonal skills, good IT skills, presentation skills, initiative, ability to prioritize and plan effectively, availability to check the e-mail carefully and regularly, ability to meet deadlines in a tight schedule. and be natural team players. The expected results are keep improving the image of the organization and then will be dependent on the area of work of the candidate.

​The objectives of each position will depend on the area of work. For example the objective of someone that is working at the Development Team is to finish all core functionalities of the platform before January and less than 3h, total, of downtime of all services, while the objective of someone working in the Strategic Partnerships team will be create lasting relations benefiting both SINFO and its partners and spread awareness of SINFO through them and collect support, both financial and in goods, in order to support the costs of essential needs for the main event. The objectives will be shown to each candidate depending on the area during the interview phase of the negotiations.

To be Agreed with Student

Pedro Saraiva


up to 10 positions


[SystemsGroup] Júnior Consultant

SystemsGroup is a Junior Enterprise located at IST-TagusPark. All of the collaborators are IST students and we provide services to various clients outside the university. The candidates will be asked to do some of the following tasks: Development of multimedia content, supporting the planning and management of the company’s events and to give assistance in the needs of the various departments.

Contribute to the development of personal and technical skills of candidate, which will be inserted in a professional environment, different from the university classes. By working within the company, the candidate will be encouraged to enhance his communication, teamwork, self-time management, among other soft-skills.

IST campus Taguspark

João Paulo Tavares dos Santos


3 positions


Several Ways - Engenharia Informática

[Sevways] Sage X3 Development and remote control Support Micro_Internship

Enterprise software development and support (SAGE X3 platform); Customers Business problems resolution, while integrated in our Helpdesk and Development teams; Cloudbased SAGE X3 platform

 SAGE X3 platform knowledge; Basic concepts identification on management software and helpdesk support tools (ATLASSIAN JIRA); Integration in a production environment of our Software Engineering team

Organisation Address

Eng. Rui Martins de Almeida


1 position


Bolsa do Voluntariado

[ENTRAJUDA] Social volunteer work

ENTRAJUDA and Bolsa do Voluntariado offer you the possibility to participate in volunteer work. We are connected to a network of non-profit organizations around the country that can host volunteer' projects of individuals or groups.

There are organizations from different areas for the students to get involved: 

- Social (charities that support people in need: sick, elderly, poor, with disabilities, etc)

- Environmental (NGOs working with animals or the environment)

- Education (projects to help children to improve their ability to study)

- Culture, sports or arts (organizations that provide their communities with events or regular activities that will improve the soft skills of the participants)

- Logistics (ENTRAJUDA and the Food Bank - Banco Alimentar - have warehouses where goods are donated, sorted and distributed to charities Lots of volunteer help is required)

- Technology (ENTRAJUDA's Equipment bank needs support to repair or recycle computer materials)

Develop responsibility and social conscience and have an impact the community.

Lisboa Area

José Caldeira Ribeiro





[MUSEU VIRTUAL] We Computers - Nós Computadores - Museu Virtual

O Museu do Banco de Equipamentos da ENTRAJUDA reúne peças eléctricas e electrónicas recuperadas e ilustra a evolução tecnológica nos últimos anos. 

O Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI) do IST e a sua comunidade (antigos alunos, parceiros, professores) possui também um conjunto de artefactos representativos da História dos Computadores e das Tecnologias de Informação.

Os mecanismos que nós Humanos inventamos, descritos tecnicamente em "Saber com Lógica",  permitem-nos a NÓS "computadores" delegar funções, mecânicas ou repetitivas, libertando-nos para tarefas mais nobres.   

Aparelhos diversos, com proveniências variadas, tais como, calculadoras electromecânicas ou modelos antigos de computadores, tendo como características comum o facto de terem sido doados ou recuperados, permitem uma viagem no tempo e demonstram a rapidez da inovação tecnológica e dos materiais, numa curiosa coleção de peças muitas das quais ainda em funcionamento. 

A Actividade proposta pretende dar continuidade, assim como adicionar funcionalidades, à construção do Museu Virtual "We Computers", associando a identificação histórica, técnica, e de localização para visita dos artefactos recuperados, com a sua descrição funcional, e das tecnologias constituintes. Nalgumas situações pretende-se também recuperar para "estado funcional" alguns desses artefactos (tais como computadores ou consolas de jogos).

Lisboa Area

Prof. Rui Cruz

Eng. Francisco Coutinho, 

Eng. João Silva




[IST-DEI] Programming for Youngsters

We intend to create a set of programming exercises to be offered by DEI to young students that visit us. During their visit they will participate in programming activities that, besides being fun, should have a computer science context. The set of programming exercises is open and may be of different levels of complexity, from small challenges, to be solved in a visual language like Scratch, to the creation of a game in Unity of Phyton. You are encouraged to use and adapt material from the diverse existing sources, like or

The main objective is to write a script that defines the requires steps to set a programming activity. Therefore, it is necessary to characterise the activity, in term of the target age, duration, location of the resources, number of kids that can participate, number of requires tutors, pedagogical and scientific goals, time for preparation, etc. Additionally, you have to guarantee a couple of executions of the activity during the semestre.

Lisboa Area

Profs. Pedro Adão and António Rito Silva


up to 10 positions


[INESC-ID]  Events on Natural Language

Natural language contains many types of events, some associated with verbs (to eat), others associated with nouns (presentation) and adjectives (intelligent).

First, It is necessary to choose the event types that should be subject of this work. Then, write the grammars to identify the events and finally evaluate the event detection in a corpus.

The STRING, the natural language processing chain developed at INESC-ID, should be able to better identify some event types.

IST campus Alameda

Prof. Nuno Mamede


3 positions


Prof. Pedro Adão

[IST] Security Team IST

The STT group is a group of members of the IST-community with interests in Information Security. The STT group was created in the 2014/15 school year and has since then participated in 30+ CTF competitions. Currently it has 20+ active members.

The activities of the group are two-fold: regular meetings (every 2 weeks) where one discusses security related problems; and CTF competitions where one solves challenges and compete with more than 1000 similar teams worldwide.

For this semester we are planning the following activities:

- 1h-ish meetings on Tuesdays, 6.30pm, every two weeks.

- Participation in the following competitions:

3Mar2017 17:00 UCSB iCTF 2016 (8h)

31Mar2017 23:00 Nuit du Hack Quals (24h)

21Apr2017 22:00 PlaidCTF (48h)

29Apr2017 0:00  DefCon Quals (48h)

IST campus Alameda

Prof. Pedro Adão


3 to 5 positions



[INESC-ID]  Researcher at GAIPS, INESC-ID

Junior Researcher at GAIPS, INESC-ID, as part of project the FCT-Portugal "eCoop" Project, and funded by a junior researcher grant. 

Researcher will contribute to the development and application of novel computational tools towards understanding situations in which individual goals collide with collective endeavors, in the particular context of environmental governance, international agreements and complex political networks. 

IST campus Taguspark

Prof. Francisco C. Santos (Prof. Associado, DEI/IST, Universidade de Lisboa)


1 position


[TECNOLOGICA] Tecnologias Sonoras

O Restauro é uma das actividades que a Tecnológica desenvolve, tendo como finalidade o restauro e a preservação de Rádios, Fonógrafos, Colunas e aparelhagens de som antigas. Nesta área existe o objectivo de garantir o design, a traça original e a patine dos aparelhos, remontando-os à sua época e até ao seu estado funcional. Da imensidade de equipamentos e produtos para reprodução sonora (dos primeiros rádios e fonógrafos até aos sistemas de muito Alta-Fidelidade “Vintage” ou mais actuais) que passam nos nossos Serviços, ou que possuímos no nosso acervo, há história e informação que merece ser pesquisada, organizada e relatada.

Os objectivos da actividade dependem da área de trabalho. Por exemplo:

  • inventariação de equipamentos e aparelhagens em termos de identificação de origem e especificações, 
  • pesquisa de informação histórica e técnica sobre as marcas e modelos,
  • organização de exposição de equipamentos e aparelhagens (por exemplo, Museu de Rádios e Fonógrafos) 
  • apoio na colocação online de informação sobre os equipamentos e as actividades e serviços (de reparação, restauro, transformações, etc.)

na morada da empresa em Lisboa, Avenida do Brasil Nº 151 A/C

Eng. Luis António

217 580 000

217 577 777

3 to 5 positions 


Núcleo de Estudantes de Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Informática

[NEETI] Divulgation of the course and other activities related to the branch

The main purpose of this activity is for students to help us, in the various presentations that our branch has to do in this semester, in order to introduce the course for the secondary school students. Also, and besides that, we need help in other kind of activities that our branch will organize along the semester and we would like to count with them for that too.

The main goals we intend with the type of activities we are proposing are to get the students which are not part of our branch to know the type of work we do, and at the same time, referring here a little to the part of the divulgation, create conditions for all doubts about our course that may come from the secondary schools' students that come to visit us, to get clarified.

IST campus Taguspark

Tiago Mousinho Martins


3 to 5 positions


Laboratório de Jogos do IST

[IST] Organisation of MOJO (Montra de Jogos do IST)

Support the organisation of MOJO, a public exhibition of IST students games. The event will be held on the 30th of May at IST-Taguspark.

The organisation includes dealing with the logistics and dissemination of the event.

Organise a successful event. Support all the participants. Produce dissemination materials and manage social media channels. Organise dissemination actions in other universities and events.

IST campus Taguspark

Prof. Rui Prada


2 positions


Geometry Friends Game AI Competition

[IST] Geometry Friends Game AI Competition

Participants will test and improve the platform used to run the Geometry Friends Game AI competion (

Participants should create a sample controller to play the game and build tutorials to help people on their first steps with the platform. The work also involves improving the submission system of the competition to automate part of the process and to generate automatically the results.

Improving the experience of participants of the Geometry Friends competition. Students can also participate in the competition by developing their own AI controller if they wish.

IST campus Taguspark

Prof. Rui Prada


3 positions


Coaching Teams

Coaching is about:

  • Motivation
  • Development
  • Encouragement
  • Persuasion
  • Conviction

Coach Team members are responsible for coaching a relevant set of other students  (Coachees) who are executing their PORTFOLIO activities. The Coach is the facilitator and unlocker agent.
The objective is to provide orientation in the process to the assigned Coachees.

Coach Team members receive a special training course on Coaching before effective start of their activities.

Key Roles of a Coach:

  • Help their assigned Coachees  to analyze their condition and help them taking better decisions.
  • Interact with Coachees and Promoters of Activities for feed-backs and progress of the activity
  • Evaluate Proposals of Activities
  • Pre-evaluate certain rubrics of Students Reports


Prof. Rui Cruz


50 positions


PORTFOLIO Activities Web Platform

The Portfolio Activities web Platform is intended to manage the logistic processes related with:

  • Application to Activities by students (with editing capabilities), including proposals of Self-Initiative Activities 
  • Proposals of Institutional Activities by Promoters
  • Managements of Applications by Faculty and Coaching Teams

Continue the development of the Platform, considering:

  • Integration with FenixEdu
  • Modules for Reporting
  • Modules for Coaching Teams Management


Prof. Rui Cruz


10 positions 


Por2folios Platform

The Por2folios Platform is intended to be a repository of past Activities performed, including:

  • classification by areas,
  • descriptions and execution methods
  • Promoter Entities
  • Student Reports

Continue the development of the Platform, considering:

  • Modules for parsing associated Metadata
  • Modules for Presentation and Retrieval of documents
  • Selectors (by category, type, Promoter, names, etc.)
  • Rating
  • forum


Prof. Rui Cruz


10 positions