
PROJECT PLANNING: Managing the Physical Resources

7 dezembro 2022, 15:00 Artur Jorge Da Cunha Barreiros

Definition of activity times, slack analysis, and identification of the critical path of the project.
Management of the physical resources of the project. Gantt charts of activities.
Resource loading map and load diagram.
Solving problems involving the management of the physical resources of the project.

Target values of engineering specifications

7 dezembro 2022, 09:00 Luis Reis

1st - Look for the voice of customer (add specs)

2nd - Translate problem-related requirements into specs

3rd - Define specs metrics

4th - Benchmark competitors with metrics

5th - Define and refine target values for specs

P5 – Specifications

6 dezembro 2022, 11:00 Manuel Sardinha

Needs and Metrics Matrix. List of needs and specs. House of Quality (HoQ), and Project envelope (Norms, etc…)

PROJECT PLANNING: Managing the Physical Resources

6 dezembro 2022, 09:00 Artur Jorge Da Cunha Barreiros

Definition of activity times, slack analysis, and identification of the critical path of the project.
Management of the physical resources of the project. Gantt charts of activities.
Resource loading map and load diagram.
Solving problems involving the management of the physical resources of the project.


6 dezembro 2022, 09:00 Gonçalo Cardeal

Understanding PERT/CPM networks. Type Xi and type (i, j) networks.
Solving problems involving the construction of networks, and evaluation of the earliest and latest dates for the occurrence of events.

Definition of activity times, slack analysis, and identification of the critical path of the project.
Management of the physical resources of the project. Gantt charts of activities.
Resource loading map and load diagram.
Solving problems involving the management of the physical resources of the project.