CLASS SEQUENCE (w adjustments in "real time")
- Intro and camera model
- Motivation & Intro
- Images & Point Clouds
- Camera Model
- LSE (homogeneous & Pseudoinverse)
- Camera calibration
- Pose estimation (known K)
- Keypoints,
- Matching, Outlier Removal
- Procrustes Problem,
- 3D registration ICP
- Essential and Fundamental Matrix,
- Triangulation, Reconstruction
- DLT and Robust estimation of F
- Tracking (the LK tracker)
- Projective SfM pipeline and Tools (OpenSFM, Colmap)
- Factorization based SfM
- Linear/Nonlinear Filtering
- Edge Detection
- Line Detection
- Artificial neural networks
- low level filters -> high level
- feature maps
- Region proposals
- RoI pooling
- Architectures
- Architecture structure
- Semantic segmentation andInstance segmentation
- Seminar by a computer vision tech company (TBD)
Last class quiz on project topics