Últimos anúncios

2ª data de exame - 2nd date of the examination

29 janeiro 2021, 11:41 Joaquim Jorge Da Costa Paulino Pereira

The 2nd date of the examination will take place next 3rd of February 2021 (Wednesday), as foreseen.

To organize the evaluation in order to fulfill the requirements for the covid 19, please inform me by mail who expects to attend it. 
Your information should be received till Monday, 1st February 2021. Only the registered students will be accepted for the examination.

Final classifications

28 janeiro 2021, 12:02

classes for the prepartion of the examination (sabatinas)

12 janeiro 2021, 15:20

example of an examination

10 dezembro 2020, 17:21

classes for the prepartion of the examination (sabatinas)

10 dezembro 2020, 16:36

Corpo Docente

Joaquim Jorge Da Costa Paulino Pereira

