
Extra lab and office hours, Test 3

30 maio 2018, 12:33 Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

Lab: June 5th, 14h00-1500
Office: June 1st, 15h30-16h30 (my office)
Test 3: will only take place in room C9
The slides from Dr. Ramon Astudillo have been uploaded.
Please note that not all course materials in Portuguese have been updated. Students are advised to check the English version.

Automatic Speech Recognition and Deep Learning, Lecture by Ramon Astudillo, May 29th, 15h30, Room Ea4

29 maio 2018, 14:45 Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

Dr. Ramón Fernandez Astudillo is senior research scientist at Unbabel, a Y-combinator start-up focusing on machine translation and crowdsourcing, where he leads the efforts in machine learning applied to quality estimation. Ramón obtained the PhD degree with distinction from the Technical University of Berlin in 2010 in the fields of signal processing and machine learning. For the pursuit of his degree he was awarded with a "La Caixa" Foundation fellowship in collaboration with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). From 2010 to 2015, Ramón was a post-doctoral researcher at INESC-ID Lisboa with a "Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia" fellowship. He currently maintains the role of associate researcher at INESC-ID.  Ramón's research interests span signal processing and machine learning. He has contributed both to latent variable and deep learning research with +50 papers in top conferences and Journals in speech and language processing including the Interspeech, ICASSP, ASRU, ACL and EMNLP conferences as well as IEEE and ACL Transactions Journals  in speech and language processing including the Interspeech, ICASSP, ASRU, ACL and EMNLP conferences as well as IEEE and ACL Transactions Journals. He is also co-founder of the Special Interest group for Robust Speech Processing (RoSP-SIG)  and organizer since 2015 of the Lisbon Machine Learning School (LxMLS).

Labs & Test 3

22 maio 2018, 21:37 Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

Lab 4  deadline: 28/5/2018 - 23:59

The total Lab score will be computed by averaging the highest 4 marks in the 5 labs.

Please register for Test 3 before 28/5/2018 - 23:59

Lab 2 scores

19 maio 2018, 03:03 Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

Sincere apologies for error in excel file of lab 2.
Some elements were missing in the submitted files of other groups not shown below.

G01 18.0
G03 16.7
G04 14.7
G05 16.7
G07 14.7
G08 16.7
G09 17.7
G10 17.0
G11 17.3
G13 17.0
G17 16.3
G19 18.0
G21 18.3
G22 17.7
G23 16.3
G26 18.7

Extra lab classes

9 maio 2018, 13:00 Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso

There will be no lab classes on May 17th (meeting in India) and May 31st (public holiday). Extra lab classes have been scheduled for :
Tuesday May 15th, 14h00, and 17h00
Tuesday May 29th, 12h30, and 17h00
Please attend the most convenient lab shift for every student. Apologies for my absence on May 17th.

Lab4 (TTS) will take 2 sessions. Lab 5 (ASR) will take another the last 2 sessions.