
Lab Grading

13 março 2015, 11:29 Jorge Salvador Marques

We created a new section in the fenix web page to display the grading of each Lab session.

The results obtained in session 0 will not influence the final results.

Best regards,
Jorge Marques  

Lab and Problem Registration

10 fevereiro 2015, 08:33 Jorge Salvador Marques


Some of you have asked me how to choose the Lab and Problem Shifts since there are several possibilities available.
This will be done in the classroom (Feb. 19).

Best regards,
Jorge Marques


5 fevereiro 2015, 08:59 Jorge Salvador Marques

Welcome to the Digital Signal Processing course.

Digital computers allow us to manipulate signals using powerful techniques. 

This course has two main objectives:

i) provide an introduction to the Signal Processing techniques and
ii) allow students to manipulate real signals in a computer, in a user friendly environment (Matlab).

I hope you enjoy it.

Best regards,
Jorge Marques

PS: course webpage: