
Lab. #4

19 março 2013, 12:30 Pedro Manuel Quintas Aguiar

Lab. #4

Discrete Fourier Transform

19 março 2013, 09:30 Jorge Salvador Marques

Properties of complex exponentials. Relationship between the DFT and the z transform. Circular shift of a signal. Exercises.

Discrete Fourier transform

14 março 2013, 11:00 Jorge Salvador Marques

Representation of finite duration signals with complex exponentials. Orthogonality of complex exponentials. Synthesis and analysis equations.

Lab. #3

13 março 2013, 14:00 Pedro Manuel Quintas Aguiar

Lab. #3

Lab. #3

12 março 2013, 14:00 Pedro Manuel Quintas Aguiar

Lab. #3