
Project deadline extended

18 junho 2019, 09:34 Susana Vieira

Due to some problems in fenix, the deadline was extended until July 3rd, 23:59h. This is a sharp deadline!

Python libraries for optimization

30 abril 2019, 16:11 Carlos Augusto Santos Silva


Python Library for LP and MILP for Energy Systems

23 abril 2019, 11:16 Carlos Augusto Santos Silva

Dear all,

For those of you that wish to implement your projects in Python, please find in this link the library OMEGAlpes, from the Grenoble Institute of Technoogy, a library that implements LP and MILP for energy systems (network based model, where the nodes can be supply, demand, supply and demand and include storage), for electricity, heat and cooling.



Presentations of papers

21 março 2019, 14:56 Carlos Augusto Santos Silva

Dear all, 

In April 2nd, the presentations of papers will start. The idea is that each class, during the last half an hour or so, 3 to 4 of you present  a paper about a topic already covered in classes (explain the problem, the optimization model and the chosen algorithm, and results). the presentation shoudl take 5 to 7 minutes, to leave some time for questions

In April 2nd, Tatiana will present the paper "Energy reduction potential from the shift to electric vehicles: The Flores island case study"

There is still place for 2 other people to present.

Lecture slides

21 fevereiro 2019, 09:16 João Miguel da Costa Sousa

.The lecture slides are available in