
Schedule for project presentation

15 dezembro 2013, 18:17 Joao Manuel de Freitas Xavier

The schedule for project presentations has been posted: see section "Files for downloading".

Your oral presentation is 15min, and not one minute more (came prepared!).

Here is an useful guide to make presentations: guide.

Right before your oral presentation, you should give us a printed copy of your report (4 pages) and a printed copy of your slides. Also, before your presentation, you should send me an email with the pdf of the report and the slides (if you are group X doing project Y, send the email with subject OA 2013 G-X P-Y).

Office hours modification

9 dezembro 2013, 10:39 Joao Manuel de Freitas Xavier

Today (Monday, Dec. 9) I cannot hold office hours.

To compensate, I will offer tomorrow (Tuesday, Dec. 10) extended office hours:

10h30-12h00 and 13h00-15h00. 

The theoretical class today 15h30-17h00 is not cancelled, just the office hours are.

Extra class

4 dezembro 2013, 22:30 Joao Manuel de Freitas Xavier

The extra class is taking place next Friday, Dec. 6, 11h00-12h30, at QA1.3.

Set of exercises and LaTeX files

27 novembro 2013, 10:11 Joao Manuel de Freitas Xavier

Set of Exercises. The full set of exercises for parts 2 and 3 have been posted: see section "Files for downloading".

LaTeX files. The LaTeX template for your project report has also been posted.

Get LaTeX for your OS:

A good beginner's tutorial:

Quick reference:

Visual LaTeX FAQ (when you know what you want it to look like, but you don't know the name of it):

Some reasons why you should use LaTeX:


Happy TeXing

Office hours cancellation

26 novembro 2013, 08:16 Joao Manuel de Freitas Xavier

Today (Tuesday, Nov. 26) I have to cancel my office hours (13h30-15h00).

To compensate, I have office hours tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov. 27) 11h00-12h30.

Thank you,

João Xavier