weeks 12 and 13 - classes and A2

27 novembro 2010, 01:54 Joao Pedro Estrela Rodrigues Conde

Please take note of the following information (updates can be found in the course page).


On Monday, December 6 we will have a normal class ( A18: bio-to-nano I). This is because I am flying to Lisbon in the morning and it is too risky to schedule the A2 for this day.


The first session (4 hours) of A2 will take place on Tuesday, December 7 (Qa1.4) and the second session of A2 (4 hours) will take place on Monday, December 13 (Fa1).

Please send me your presentations as soon as they are ready. This will help a lot with the management of the time during our two A2 sessions. 


Our last class will be on Tuesday, December 14 ( A19: bio-to-nano II) but on a different schedule - from 17h30 to 19h30 (Qa1.4). This is because I have a function at IST that I must attend from 14h30 to 17h. I hope you can still come to our last class.

The slides for A18 and A19, as well as the HW9 (the final HW set) are available in this site. 


In the A2 section of this page the proposed schedule of the presentations is presented.


I wish you an inspired preparation of your A2.