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Nanofluids materials

6 janeiro 2023, 12:56 S M Sohel Murshed

Nanofluids lecture materials have been shared (folder link in separate email) students of this UC. Student must use his/her email address associated with this UC in fenix to access the materials. If you have difficulty, let me know by email (smurshed@tecnico.ulisboa).

Nanofluids Lab visit info

15 dezembro 2022, 14:02

Nanofluids: Invited Lectures

15 dezembro 2022, 14:00

Grouping for Nanofluids Lab

8 dezembro 2022, 21:16

Laboratory shifts

1 outubro 2022, 10:07

Corpo Docente

Viriato Sérgio de Almeida Semião



S M Sohel Murshed