
Lesson Plan 4

27 setembro 2013, 11:00 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

 MagneticCircuit (Part 3)
Characterization of permanent magnets and their use in magnetic circuits.
Rotating electrical machines: magnetic circuit.

Laboratory project 1 - Part A

26 setembro 2013, 09:00 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

The purpose of this experiment is to characterize experimentally some aspects relative to the construction of some electromechanical devices, namely aspects relative to the magnetic circuit,  the production of electromagnetic forces, as well as functional and stability aspects.


Lesson Plan 3

25 setembro 2013, 09:30 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

 Magnetic Circuit (Part 2)
Characterization of the magnetic circuit: linkage flux , coefficients of induction, magnetic energy. Power losses due to hysteresis and Foucault (Eddy) currents. Magnetic saturation of the magnetic circuit.

Problem class #2

25 setembro 2013, 08:00 Célia Maria Santos Cardoso de Jesus

Magnetic cicuits: problems 4, 5 and 7.  

Laboratory project 1 - Part A

23 setembro 2013, 09:00 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

The purpose of this experiment is to characterize experimentally some aspects relative to the construction of some electromechanical devices, namely aspects relative to the magnetic circuit,  the production of electromagnetic forces, as well as functional and stability aspects.