
Aulas Teóricas

Lesson Plan 1

The course of Electrical Machines.
Presentation of the course : objectives , contents and how it will work .
Introduction to electrical machines .

Lesson Plan 2

Magnetic Circuit (1)
Concept of magnetic circuit and its constituent parts. Equations of the magnetic circuit . Analogy of  magnetic circuit and electrical circuit .

Lesson Plan 3

Magnetic Circuit (2)
Characterization of the magnetic circuit : linkage flux , coefficient of induction, magnetic energy. Losses due to hysteresis and Foucault currents . Saturation of the magnetic circuit .

Lesson Plan 4

Magnetic Circuit (3)
Characterization of permanent magnets and their use in magnetic circuits.
Rotating electrical machines : magnetic circuit.

Lesson Plan 5

Windings of rotating electrical machines .
F.m.m. distribution of concentrated coils .
F.m.m. distribution of a distributed winding .
Three-phase double layer winding.

Lesson Plan 6

Magnetic rotating field.
Methods for creating magnetic rotating fields.
Magnetic rotating field due to stationary currents in moving coils , pulsed field , magnetic rotating field resulting from time-variant currents in stationary coils.

Lesson Plan 7

Transformer (1)
Transformer: review of its basic principles . Ideal transformer , perfect transformer , actual transformer . Equivalent circuit of the transformer.

Lesson Plan 8

Transformer (2)
Three-phase transformer : representation through the symmetrical components, representation of its balanced regime . Example of analysis and representation under unbalanced operation via a single-phase load .

Lesson Plan 9

Transformer (3)
Three-phase transformer : the type of connections , hourly notation, vector groups .
Parallel of transformers .

Lesson Plan 10

Calculation of electromagnetic forces - Method of conservation of energy . Some examples of calculation of electromagnetic forces .

Lesson Plan 11

Calculation of electromagnetic forces in converters with multiple electrical circuits . Some examples of calculation of electromagnetic forces .

Lesson Plan 12

Calculation of electromagnetic forces in converters with permanent magnets . Some examples of calculation of electromagnetic forces .

Lesson Plan 13

Dynamic model of an elementar electromechanical converter . Linearized models of electromechanical systems . Example of analysis of the operation of an electromechanical converter ( linearization and magnetic saturation ) .

Lesson Plan 14

Constructive aspects of rotating electrical machines (1) - magnetic circuit , rotating field of f.m.m. , magnetic poles. 

Lesson Plan 15

Constructive aspects of rotating electrical machines (2) - rotary converters with sinusoidal structure: air-gap model , the magnetic field tangential and radial components.

Lesson Plan 16

Constructive aspects of rotating electrical machines (3) - rotary converters with sinusoidal structure : obtaining a non-zero average torque: sunchronous machine, asynchronous machine, and the DC machine.

Lesson Plan 17

Constructive aspects of DC machines : operating principle , commutating voltage , f.m.m distribution in the air-gap , commutating poles , the armature reaction , compensating winding .

Lesson Plan 18

DC machine model in terms of lumped-parameters . Analysis of its operating characteristics under motor / generator modes for different excitation types: series, independent, compound.

Lesson Plan 19

Linearized models of the DC machine : application of the linearized model in the study of self- excited shunt generator . Applications of the DC machine .

Lesson Plan 20

Constructive solutions of the asynchronous machine: wound rotor and rotor cage; Representation of the machine by lumped- parameters (circuits ) . Asynchronous machine in continuous and balanced regime ( equivalent circuit representation ) .

Lesson Plan 21

Torque / speed characteristic. Command of the asynchronous machine (1)

Lesson Plan 22

Command of the asynchronous machine (2).

Lesson Plan 23

Constructive aspects of the synchronous machine and its operating principle. Description of the machine in terms of electromagnetic field and in terms of circuits . Representation of a synchronous machine in a rotating Cartesian reference solidarity with the rotor ( Park's model). Damper circuits .

Lesson Plan 24

Steady-state , three phase , symmetrical , balanced and direct , load angle , active and reactive powers .

Lesson Plan 25

Synchronous machine : no- load and short - circuit characteristics. Permanent-magnet synchronous motor .

Lesson Plan 26

Compensation lecture of the day 05/10/2011 .

Lesson Plan 27

Compensation of the class of problems of the day 05/10/2011 .

Aulas de Problemas

Problems classe 1

Groups (1) and (2).

Revison problems.

Problems classe 2

Group (1).

Magnetic circuit problems.

Problems classe 3

Group (2).

Magnetic circuit problems.

Problems classe 4

Group (1).

Transformer problems.

Problems course 5

Group (2).

Transformer problems.

Problems classe 6

Group (1)

Electromagnetic force problems.

Problems classe 7

Group (2).

Electromagnetic force problems.

Problems classe 8

Group (1)

DC machine problems.

Problems classe 9

Group (2)

DC machine problems.

Problems classe 10

Group (1)

Asynchronous Machine problems.

Problems classe 11

Group (2).

Asynchronous machine problems.

Problems classe 12

Group (1).

Synchronous machine problems.

Problems classe 13

Group (2)

Synchronous machine problems.