
WIP control strategies

24 abril 2013, 11:00 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

Closed Queuing Networks for single products

Analysis with Exponential Processing Times

Problem resolution

24 abril 2013, 09:30 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

A splitting branch problem

A merging branch problem

Mean flow rates calculation through the routing matrix

System performance determination for a single-product mutiple-workstation problem, with and without machine failures

Models of Various Forms of Batching - continuation

22 abril 2013, 11:00 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

Modeling the workstation following a Batch Server

Branching after a Batch Server

Random Size Batches

Models of Various Forms of Batching - continuation

17 abril 2013, 11:00 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

Batch setup

Batch service

Problem resolution

17 abril 2013, 09:30 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

Estimation of the departure stream scv, for single-server and multi-server ws

Performance measures for pure serial systems, with and without breakdowns