

20 outubro 2020, 09:18 Teresa Cipriano Rodrigues

Dear all, 

For personal reasons, today's class will only take place in a non face-to-face format.
Teresa Rodrigues

Week 1

20 setembro 2020, 18:37 Teresa Cipriano Rodrigues

Dear all,

Please remember that:
  • The practical shifts are organized in A and B. A shifts, with students with an odd number, attend in person in odd weeks. Shifts B, with students with an even number, attend in person in even weeks. This information is present in Fénix.
  • Week 1 starts on Monday (21st of September)
  • Week 1 lectures will be online, BUT ALSO THE CLASSES WILL BE ONLINE. 

The lecturing team

Decision Support Models 2020/2021 course

18 setembro 2020, 16:32 Teresa Cipriano Rodrigues

Dear all,

Welcome to the Decision Support Models 2020/2021 course! This is a kick-off email with some important information about how the course will run.

Lectures will start next week and will last for 13 weeks. As you may know, we have foreign students attending the course, and thus all course materials will be provided in English.

The course material will be made available in the webpage .
We have now made available in the webpage the general info on the course, regarding: course content, planning of lectures, indicative bibliography, and evaluation rules. Please note that you need to be registered in Fenix to access the course information.

Please also note that there is a difference in the program for biomedical and for non-biomedical students – biomedical students will have a module on Clinical Reasoning, and non-biomedical students will have alternatively a module on resource allocation with mathematical programming.

Every week we will send you an email recommending which articles and/or books you should consult. Whenever possible, we will make available the electronic versions in the course webpage. Every week you will also receive via email the links of the lectures/classes.

The plan is that all lectures are delivered on an online basis, and most classes are presential for part of the students (according to IST rules of attendance). This plan, depicted in the planning of lectures (see general info on the course available on Fenix), may be adapted according to the evolution of the pandemic. Changes will be announced via email.

Regarding the distribution of students to the classes on Monday and Tuesday, we have noticed that many students are not allocated to classes, and that there is a large number of students registered on the Tuesday class. If you have not registered, please do so preferably to the Monday class.

Please let me know if you have any doubts or need some additional information.

Best regards,

Mónica Oliveira, on behalf the lecturing team