

3 julho 2017, 16:49 João Miguel Sanches

I published the grades of the first exam and of the laboratories in section "Grades" at the webpage of the discipline. The date of the revision of the exam is Wednesday at 10.30 am in my office (sixth floor at north tower, room 6.09).

João Sanches

Lecture after holidays (April 17)

11 abril 2017, 12:12 João Miguel Sanches

The first lecture after holidays, April 17, will occur, as planned in the schedule, at the  amphitheater QA1.3 for all students of IASB. In this session I will present and discuss the projects you will implement during the rest of the semester.

João Sanches

First lab session

28 fevereiro 2017, 23:27 João Miguel Sanches

The first lab session will occur next friday from 9h30 to 12h30 at the Biomaterial and Bioinstrumentation laboratory, room 02-0.9 in south tower. The guide is already available.

João Sanches