Trabalho de Laboratório: Teste de um perfil alar

5 maio 2018, 10:26 José Alberto Caiado Falcão de Campos

The laboratory work: Test of an aerofoil will take place in theFluid Dynamics Laboratory Pav. Mecânica IV according to the following schedule: Group 1: Wednesday 2018-05-09 11:30-12:30

Group 2: Thursday 2018-05-10 08:30-09:30
Group 3: Friday 2018-05-11 10:00-11:00
Group 4: Friday 2018-05-11 11:00-12:00
Group 5: Friday 2018-05-11 12:00-13:00
Group 6: Friday 2018-05-11 18:00-19:00.

The maximum number of students in a group is 3. The enrollment of each group in one of these slots will take pace in the class of Monday, 7th May 13:00-14:30.
Falcão de Campos