
Development of task 06

21 novembro 2019, 19:00 Helena Silva Barranha Gomes

Monitoring of group works. Identification of major architectural works and urban transformations to be taken into consideration within task 06 - "The Modern City - from 1900 to 1974". 

The new capital cities and the recovery of memory, history and monumentality.

21 novembro 2019, 17:30 Bárbara dos Santos Coutinho

The new capital cities and the recovery of memory, history and monumentality: Brasilia (Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa), Chandigarh (Le Corbusier) and Dhaka (Louis Kahn).

Le Corbusier and the modern urban planning.

21 novembro 2019, 16:00 Bárbara dos Santos Coutinho

 Le Corbusier and the concept of modern city. The "Charter of Athens" and the role of CIAM. Projects for Rio de Janeiro and the  Plan Obus for Algiers. The idea of "Housing Unit". 

Development of task 06

20 novembro 2019, 14:30 Helena Silva Barranha Gomes

Monitoring of group works. Identification of major architectural works and urban transformations to be taken into consideration within task 06 - "The Modern City - from 1900 to 1974". 

Development of task 05

14 novembro 2019, 19:00 Helena Silva Barranha Gomes

Follow-up of group works concerning the fifth task, focusing on the period between 1755 and the end of the 19th century. Additional bibliographic references and online sources for the study of Lisbon and Almada history.