
Lecture 20

18 maio 2018, 10:00 Leonardo Macarini

The action functional and Floer homology.

Lecture 19

16 maio 2018, 10:00 Leonardo Macarini

Zehnder's example of a symplectic form on T^4 with infinite Hofer-Zehnder capacity. From Poincaré-Birkhoff theorem to the Arnold's conjecture.

Lecture 18

11 maio 2018, 10:00 Leonardo Macarini

The Hofer-Zehnder capacity and the existence of periodic orbits on almost every energy level.

Lecture 17

9 maio 2018, 10:00 Leonardo Macarini

Computation of the Hofer-Zehnder capacity for compact surfaces.

Lecture 16

4 maio 2018, 10:00 Leonardo Macarini

The Hofer-Zehnder capacity.