
Chapter 1

3 março 2021, 15:00 Tânia Rute Xavier de Matos Pinto-Varela

- Introduction to Operations Management and Logistics. The main activities and the evolution of the area. 

1st Problems Class (online class)

1 março 2021, 16:30 Mariana Bayão Horta Mesquita da Cunha e Silva

There wasn´t enough knowledge to explore exercises.  There was no class. 

1st Problems Class (online class)

1 março 2021, 15:00 Mariana Bayão Horta Mesquita da Cunha e Silva

There wasn´t enough knowledge to explore exercises.  There was no class. 

1-Pratical class

1 março 2021, 15:00 Tânia Rute Xavier de Matos Pinto-Varela

There wasn´t enough knowledge to explore exercises.  There was no class. 

Introduction (aula online)

1 março 2021, 13:30 Tânia Rute Xavier de Matos Pinto-Varela

Course presentation and all the logistics associated with it.