
Época Especial

24 julho 2014, 10:13 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Caros alunos,

Estão disponíveis as notas de época especial na página da cadeira. A revisão de provas será na sexta-feira, dia 25 de Julho, às 10h, na biblioteca do 6ºpiso da Torre Sul.

Boas férias,

Miguel Teixeira

Época Especial

3 julho 2014, 15:02 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Caros alunos,

A pedido dos inscritos, o exame de época especial foi marcado para dia 22 de Julho, às 9h.

Bom exame,

Miguel Teixeira

Final grades

3 fevereiro 2014, 12:50 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Dear Students,

The final grades, considering the 2nd exam have just been posted. The exam review will take place on monday, the 10th, at 10h, in the 6th floor Library.

Good work!

Miguel Teixeira

Doubts class

23 janeiro 2014, 15:59 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira


Dear students,

Me and Prof Nuno are available to clarify doubts that you may have for the 2nd GFC exam on monday, the 27th, at 15h. Meet us in our office (South Tower, 6th flower, room 6.6.5).

Have a nice day,

Miguel Teixeira 

Grades First Exam

20 janeiro 2014, 10:45 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Dear Students,

The grades on the lab classes and 1st exam have just been posted. The exam review will take place on thursday, the 23rd, at 14h30, in the 6th floor Library.

Good work!

Miguel Teixeira