Últimos anúncios

Pathway Modeling class

2 janeiro 2023, 09:34 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Dear students,

If you choose to use your own computers for this week's Pathway Modeling practical class you will need to install in your computers the freely downloadable software COPASI. You may find it in: http://copasi.org/Download/.
Please do it before class, so that we may start right away.

Miguel Teixeira

Google Classroom

21 dezembro 2022, 10:08

Transcriptomics and Proteomics Lab Class

9 dezembro 2022, 11:47

Thursday shift recovering holidays!

24 novembro 2022, 11:42

Tagus-Alameda distance classes

24 novembro 2022, 11:28

Corpo Docente

Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

