
2nd exam grades are now available

5 fevereiro 2016, 14:38 Carlos Augusto Santos Silva

Dear all,

the grades are now available at at

The exam review is at 17h.


carlos silva

2nd exam grades and review

4 fevereiro 2016, 12:40 Carlos Augusto Santos Silva

The 2nd exam grades will be available tomorrow, friday february 5th until 14H00. The exam can be reviewed at 17H00, at IN+ (Building Mecanica II, 1st floor).
best regards,

Distribution of students for the exam

29 janeiro 2016, 18:24 André Alves Pina

Dear all, 

For Monday's exam, please follow the updated distribution list:

Room C01 - Students with student number bellow 73400

Room C9 - Students with student number above 73400

Dúvidas para o exame / Questions for the exam

28 janeiro 2016, 11:02 André Alves Pina

Estaremos disponíveis para tirar dúvidas para o exame na 6ª feira  (29/01) das 10h00 às 11h30 no IN+, Pavilhão de Mecânica II.

We will be available to answer your questions for the exam on Friday (29/01 )from 10h00 to 11h30 in IN+, Pavilhão de Mecânica II.

Solutions for the 1st exam

26 janeiro 2016, 22:45 André Alves Pina

Caros alunos,

Podem encontrar na secção Evaluation as soluções para o 1º exame.
Por favor tenham em atenção que as incrições para o 2º exame terminam dia 27/01 às 17h.

Dear students,
You can now find in the section Evaluation the solutions for the 1st exam.
Please be aware that the registration for the 2nd exam closes on 27/01 at 17h.
Best regards,