
Ray optics: Euler equation and Beltrami identity. (aula online)

19 março 2021, 14:00 Carlos Paiva

From Euler equation to Beltrami identity. Applications: generalized Snell's law; ray optics in a medium with a vertical gradient of the refractive index. Examples of application.

Recitation class 3B (aula online)

19 março 2021, 12:30 Carlos Paiva

Recitation class: shift 3B.

Recitation class 3A (aula online)

15 março 2021, 17:00 Carlos Paiva

Recitation class: shift 3A.

Ray optics (aula online)

15 março 2021, 15:30 Carlos Paiva

Ray optics and Fermat's principle. Snell's law. Variational methods and Euler equation.

From special relativity to classical electrodynamics. (aula online)

12 março 2021, 14:00 Carlos Paiva

Calibrating hyperbolas in Minkowski diagrams. Magnetism from electricity and length contraction. Radiation field from the invariance of the speed of light in free space.