There are two tests (T1 and T2) or, alternatively, one first exam (E1). So, at the end of this grading process, every student carries a mark called EP which is either the arithmetic mean of T1 and T2 or just equal to E1. The first exam is simultaneous with the second test. Every student can, nevertheless, make the second exam (E2). The corresponding weight of this process (denoted by E) is 80% of the final mark (which will be denoted by F). The remaining 20% corresponds to the project (P). So, the formula for E is the following:


E = max (EP, E2).


Only students with EP greater or equal to 9.0 can be approved in Photonics, i.e, if EP is less than 9.0 the student has failed in this course.


On the other hand, the formula for F is:


F = 0.8 * E + 0.2 * P.


The project (P) and the first test (T1) constitute the so-called continuous component of the grading process; its corresponding (maximum) weight is, therefore, 60%.


Final and important remark: The final mark will be equal to F only for those scores less than or equal to 17 as obtained by the application of the formula given above. For scores greater than 17 an oral exam is mandatory to confirm (or not) a final mark greater than 17.